Jibcrane DWG Block for AutoCAD

Jibcrane with surroundings

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

projected jib crane, darting thickener maintenance, support, platform, existing monorails, for darts lower level, platform access, support, platform, line of, existing water, electrical conduits, existing, sign of, fire extinguishers, approximate, fire extinguishers, stir, cabinets, of control, gallons of, nitrogen, existing, existing monorails, for darts lower level, darts, existing, platform access, jibcrane, darts, existing, existing darts, remove by, projected jib crane, electrical conduits, existing, Upper level, rougher cells, new position, of extinguishers, referential, jib crane, columan axis, fire extinguishers, removed, support consoles, jibcrane, dart extraction, yoke of, n., support, platform, railing, projected, railing, rotating, dart with, removable base, platform, dart support, rails, projected, jibcrane, dart extraction, support consoles, jibcrane, yoke of, n., platform access, change maneuver, jibcrane car maintenance, fire extinguishers, removed, platform access, change maneuver, jibcrane car maintenance, fire extinguishers, removed, jibcrane, dart extraction, support consoles, jibcrane, rails, projected, yoke of, n., platform, dart support, dart with, removable base, railing, rotating, rails, projected, jibcrane, dart extraction, support consoles, jibcrane, support consoles, jibcrane, dart extraction, railing, rotating, railing, rotating, platform access, change maneuver, jibcrane car maintenance, platform access, change maneuver, jibcrane car maintenance, yoke of, n., dart with, removable base, rails, projected, dart with, removable base, yoke of, n., platform access, change maneuver, jibcrane car maintenance

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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