Utm Map Tacna, Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD

Plane coordinates to Utm Tacna

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

observations :, scale :, date :, area of ​​cadastre, cadastre and urban control, graphic report, territorial management sub-office, municipality, tacna province, location :, oval de pocollay, villa el salvador, housing association, word of God , baptist, evangelical church, meadow, master plan, reserve for general hospital, educational center, luis alberto sanches, sectoral complementary equipment, school, recre., lc, lv, lv, engineers, peru, educ., av. municipal, cal. the retamas, calle e, hill intiorko, pas cuzco, cirilo carbajal, cal j.jose crespo and castle, cal j.j.crespo and castle, passage, av. the peañas, channel uchusuma, way of avoidance, asphalted road tacna – calana, prolonga. blondell, pro.venezuela, pro. venezuela, cal proy. Bolivia, Lima Miraflores, Pro. Daniela. carrion, pas santa rosa, av. luis basadre flores, cal d. alcides carrion, pas loreto, pro. blondel, country loreto, cal. Daniela. carrion, lime aniceto ibarra, lime. aniceto ibarra, pro. av. a.b.leguia, pro cuzco, cal paraguay, pas ecuador, pas uruguay, cal brazil, pro. may, cal the florida, pro. venezuela, jr. colombia, jr. Paraguay, Cal. panama, country albarracin, av. tacna, lime the begonias, lime mariano melgar, lime the dahlias, pro. jimenez borja, lime fly, av. the sea, lime the jasmine, lime l. violets, cal j. olaya prolon, lime corals, lime carnations, lime tulips, cal lilies, lime orchids, pas tupac amaru prolon., cal j. Olaya Prol., Cal Jose Olaya Prol., Cal Rosales, Cal Las Magnolias, Av. littoral, cal. Aymara payment, cal. independence, cal. the chrysanthemums, pro. zarumilla, pas. Aymara payment, cal. argentina, cal. Argentina, av. via the coast, av. Buenos Aires, Cal. freedom, pro. crnl. inclan, pro huascar, cal mayta capac, cal roma, pro espinoza cuellar, pro sinchi rock, cal san francisco, cal benemerita soc. of aux. n.sra., cal leonor martorell flowers, cal. hidalgo, sor ana, pas. callejon vueltas, pro. san francisco, country callejon carolina freyre, pro. santa beatriz, pro. zora carbajal, pas., cal. the palm trees, lime. the blackberries, lime. the berries, lime. the roses, lime. the pines, lime. the buigamvillas, cal. the bugamvillas, cal. the pear trees, cal. the jasmine, lime. the nards, av. the willows, cal nero, lime. tnte. jose g. carpio a., street prolongation arias araguez, cal. tnte. jose g. carpio a., pro. av. august b. leguia, country vigil, country san antonio, cal. america, country July c. tello, pro. Uruguay, country the vilcas, country caljon ayca, pas. pacay, cal. j.c. flowers, country. ramos, pas. Late payment ayca, pas. Alley payment ayca, pas. caljon payment ayca, pro. pacheco cespedes, pas. olaya, cal calllejon payment ayca, pas, caracol, pas. Albarracin, country high cenepa, cal pallardelli, cal pro. miller, cal. pro. miller, av. Alexander von Humboldt, Cal. pro. miller, lime damasks, jimenez borja, central avenue, street the oaks, street the carob trees, street the larks, avenue of the south park, avenue of the park the west, street the jilgueros, street the sparrows, avenue of the north park, street los molles street toucans, street jasmine, street hummingbirds, avenue las retamas, calleles maples, street the swallows, streets nightingales, street the hummingbirds, avenue luis basadre, market, tap, trade, zonal market, alto of the alliance, factory of , paintings the heroic, market for boy, dai-ichi motors, cpm a.b. leguia, deposit, beer arequipeña, ice, santa rosa, heroes del cenepa, plant, block, brothers. casaretto, wines and liquors, workshops, workshop, and neighborhood, business association, gas, beta, virgin copacabana, zonal, municipal, trailers, garage, crusher, jacsa, pocollay, winery, castle, tacna gas, huli rot , use, commercial, avicola de giron, winery don miguel, merchants association, retailers, gregorio albarracin, cia., canepa and, bank, credit, model market, may 2, food market, cajamarca, merchants association, tupac amaru, federico barreto, asoc. comerc., luis bachero rosi, el morro, colonel mendoza, the pugas, shopping center, tacna center, jose olaya, boccio and cia., terminal of the sierra, franco bolognesi, cooperative, the roundabout, the triangle, open ground, meals , juices, flowers, chilled, chickens, meat, administration, cars, laundry, rospigliosi, warehouse, electrosur, farmers market, leoncio meadow, asoc. of merchants, independent, fishing terminal, merchants, ex-cinema, peru, asoc. eat., caramolle, flea market, lobitos griffin, sale of salt and others, pepsi, deposit, solgas, consortium, Andean, restaurant, education, education c.e.i., s.i.l., c.e.i., c.e.p. ntra sra, of fatima, initial educational center, lastenia rejas de castañon, future company, of firemen, hermogenes, arenas, leguia, w. sotillo de bacigalupo, Cristo Rey educational center, center, educational, william prescott, garden, children, c.e. jorge chavez, enrique pail

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features A/C, Garden / Park, Deck / Patio, Garage
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