Two Family DWG Block for AutoCAD
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
back facade, scale, in shingle cindulit, fixed in gray natural aluminum, tolete grid the view faces lost joint, in particular cm, tolete grid the view faces lost joint, in particular cm, back cover cover, fixed in gray natural aluminum, in shingle cindulit, back cover cover, tolete grid the view faces lost joint, structural reinforced paneling with metal trowel paint type armor color white, in green metal perlin, ped ramp, scale, musical choir, architectural floor plan, scale, bedroom, living room, dinning room, kitchen, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dinning room, goes up, area in future expansion, living room, dinning room, kitchen, bedroom, architectural floor basement, scale, living room, dinning room, kitchen, bedroom, architectural floor II, scale, bedroom, living room, dinning room, kitchen, cover, goes up, area in future expansion, empty, living room, dinning room, kitchen, bedroom, floor terrace floor iii, scale, goes up, terrace, covers floor, scale, terrace, living room, bedroom, living room, bedroom, living room, bedroom, terrace, longitudinal cut, scale, cross-section, scale, front facade, scale, bedroom, kitchen, dinning room, low, water storage tank, pumping area, laundry area, bedroom, abusive concrete, dilatation in particular the view, pañete color, laundry area, slab of elevated tanks, living room, architectural floor basement, scale, living room, dinning room, bedroom, water storage tank, pumping area, laundry area, bedroom, architect:, scale:, contains:, observations:, date:, owner:, digitization:, December of, archive:, draft:, sheet:, from:, sheet:, builder:, fercho, date:, b: vo., sheet:, from:, sheet:, ing. Luis Eduardo Parra, quibdo choco department, Mr. luis alberto robledo, mat, arq ovidio asprilla, dwg housing choco, architectural floor basement first floor, mat cnd, architect:, scale:, contains:, observations:, date:, owner:, digitization:, archive:, draft:, sheet:, from:, sheet:, fercho, date:, b: vo., sheet:, from:, sheet:, architect:, scale:, contains:, observations:, date:, owner:, digitization:, archive:, draft:, sheet:, from:, sheet:, fercho, date:, b: vo., sheet:, from:, sheet:, architect:, scale:, contains:, observations:, date:, owner:, digitization:, archive:, draft:, sheet:, from:, sheet:, fercho, date:, b: vo., sheet:, from:, sheet:, longitudinal cut, multi-family betzabe, dwg housing choco, December of, builder:, ing. Luis Eduardo Parra, Mr. luis alberto robledo, mat, arq ovidio asprilla, architectural floor second floor terrace, mat cnd, December of, builder:, ing. Luis Eduardo Parra, Mr. luis alberto robledo, mat, arq ovidio asprilla, mat cnd, December of, builder:, ing. Luis Eduardo Parra, Mr. luis alberto robledo, mat, arq ovidio asprilla, roof plan facades cross section, mat cnd, quibdo choco department, multi-family betzabe, quibdo choco department, multi-family betzabe, quibdo choco department, multi-family betzabe
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Condominium |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Aluminum, Concrete |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | apartment, autocad, block, building, condo, DWG, eigenverantwortung, families, Family, group home, grup, home, household, mehrfamilien, multi, multifamily housing, ownership, partnerschaft, partnership |