Infrastructure Public DWG Block for AutoCAD

Plants; cuts

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

material, material, material, material, main hall, walk, ladies, s.s.h.h., males, s.s.h.h., cafetin, Deposit, kitchenette, to be, Office of, institutional image, reception, reports, wait, zone panels, Deposit, s.s.h.h.damas, cafetin, passage, urban development, dir.rentas, of.administration gral., passage, advice, of.auditoria internal, passage, council room, wait, town hall, meeting room, waiting room, main hall, audience, stage, passage, social, passage, of.planif.y budget, passage, of.informatica, council room, municipal address, terrace, hall wait, meeting room, cards, escape, walk, parking ramp, walk, first floor, reports, main hall, foyer, stage, auditorium, escape, electrog, s.h., hall, s.s.h.h., ladies, males, s.s.h.h., passage, hall, c.machines,, dressing room, Deposit, maintenance, people, foyer, previous, escape, auditorium, Deposit, stage, basement, Secretary, urban Development, direction of, archive, Deposit, archive, Secretary, rents, direction of, social, communal services, direction of, ladies, s.s.h.h., males, s.s.h.h., second floor, Office of, general administration, Secretary, Deposit, archive, Secretary, Office of, legal advice, Secretary, Office of, planning, budget, s.s.h.h., ladies, s.s.h.h., males, Office of, internal audit, Secretary, hall wait, Office of, computing, aldermen, room, Secretary, municipal, address, males, s.s.h.h., ladies, s.s.h.h., balcony, town hall, bath, meeting room, terrace, meeting room, waiting room, of. Secretary, Secretary, third floor, Fifth floor, caurta planta, cut

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Parking, Garden / Park
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