Urban Development Plan Of The City Of Puquio DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Urban Development Plan of the City of Puquio; urban zoning proposal – Provincial Municipality Lucanas – Puquio

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

lagoon, oxidation, urban zoning, proposal, terminal, terrestrial, sports village, light industry, elementary industry, other uses, education, legend, symbol, description, ecological zone, river – ditch, public recreation, health, specialized trade, trade district, residential, main road, regional road, urban area limit, zonal park, ccasaymarca, zone of protection, jr. tacna, jr. llauta, treatment, plant, puquial, quebrada, quebrada tassanamayo, quebrada tassanamayo, canal yaurihuiri, reservoir, existing, arguedas, jr. utec, jr. mariano herrera, jr. huacaña, jr. andamarca, jr. tumbes, jr. freedom, jr. mariscal caceres, jr. Lima, jr. yaurihuiri, psj. malaya, jr. chaviña, jr. san pedro, jr. zarumilla, jr. ayacucho, jr. sancos, jr. saisa, pje. santa luisa, pje. querobamba, jr. leoncio prado, jr. angamos, jr. bolivar, jr. san juan, jr. the roses, prolg. laramate, jr. huaycahuacho, jr. laramate, pje. soras, jr. tupac amaru, jr. pachacutec, jr. arica, jr. san martin, jr. grau, jr. cabana, jr. arequipa, jr. cuzco, jr. cristobal colon, jr. jorge chavez, jr. alfonso ugarte, jr. aucara, jr. lucanas, jr. chipao, jr. mariano salas, jr. Manuel Escajadillo, Jr. cirilo moscoso, plaza, bullfighting, rio chullahora, ersa, plant, ce., special, carpinetria, matara ccocha, manuel meadow, national school, jose maria, pedagogic, high school, hospital, municipal stadium, sports., field, ipss , market, church, uge, ce, weapons, square, house, master, perpetual help, our lady, municipal, eep, slab, of. Transp., and communications, soccer field, jma, ist, neighborhood, pichccachuri, ccayao, chaupi, ccollana, matara, santa rosa, san martin, florida, home, communal, base, military, local, cemetery, river chullahora, lamina: urban development plan of the city of puquio, description:, lucanas – ayacucho, municipality, provincial, lucanas – puquio, to abancay, a cora cora, a nasca, cei, jail, curator, coliseum, fairground Ecological, ecological, fairground, convent, judiciary, min. public, rr. pp., lagoons

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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