Foundation Wall Construction Details DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Full list of details related to the foundation walls

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

note:, distance, between bars, vertical, arm lower, start of wall in foundation slab, compacted base, cleaning, concrete, support blocks, grill, slab, rough, before concrete, wrench, surface, arm Wall, var., arm higher, slab, length, overlapping, var., of shear, key detail, hydrophilic, cord, engineers, cype, centered with structural floor, boot of wall in running shoe, grill, support blocks, cleaning concrete, lower armrest zapata, compacted base, filling, variable, arm Wall, of length, shoe settlement, avoid cracking, total each, compacted, sanitized, base, length, overlapping, wrenches, upper shoe, surfaces, before concrete, rough, var., vertical, armed solera, reinforcement, between bars, key detail, of shear, cord, hydrophilic, note:, distance, sill, var., engineers, cype, cleaning concrete, compacted base, centered race, boot of wall in shoe, lower armrest zapata, variable, filling, wrench, rough, before concrete, surface, support blocks, grill, arm higher, shoe, overlapping, length, var., of shear, arm Wall, between bars, note:, vertical, distance, hydrophilic, cord, key detail, var., engineers, cype, boot of wall in running shoe, off center with structural floor, wrench, compacted base, rough, before concrete, surface, arm lower, shoe, length, arm Wall, overlapping, vertical, between bars, note:, distance, mesh, sill, surfaces, wrenches, before concrete, grill, support blocks, rough, concrete, cleaning, sill, compacted base, sanitized, total each, avoid cracking, shoe settlement, of length, key detail, hydrophilic, of shear, variable, cord, var., var., engineers, cype, boot of wall in running shoe, off-center with foundation beam, wrench, surface, before concrete, rough, compacted base, shoe, arm lower, arm Wall, beam, grill, of foundation, armor beam, support blocks, foundation, cleaning, concrete, variable, key detail, of shear, length, overlapping, hydrophilic, cord, distance, vertical, between bars, note:, var., engineers, cype, overlapping, length, cleaning, of shear, key detail, compacted base, arm lower, shoe, concrete, arm Wall, rough, before concrete, wrench, surface, note:, between bars, vertical, distance, variable, boot of wall in shoe, off-center race, grill, support blocks, var., cord, hydrophilic, var., engineers, cype, grill, support blocks, off-centered wall, pillar start in running shoe, compacted base, cleaning, surface, wrench, before concrete, rough, concrete, arm Wall, overlapping, vertical, between bars, distance, note:, length, arm lower, shoe, board of, concreted, armed pillar, pillar, hydrophilic, cord, variable, key detail, of shear, var., engineers, cype, normal, characteristics of the materials retaining walls, upper free, superior in coronation, free side, interior free side, shoe with concrete cleaning, horizontal contact ground, lateral ground contact, fck, art., according to the, note: suitable for concrete, Yes you can, be reduced, armor, without dynamic actions, geotechnical data, admissible of the land considered mpa ……., overlapping lengths of vertical reinforcements in walls. lb, with dynamic actions, nominal coatings, character, kind, iiia, control, level, normal, control, size, soft, mm., max. arid, environment, exposition, characteristics, iib, Iia, notes, adapted the instruction ehe, mm., soft, coef., control, pond, kind, element, materials, statistical, control, level, coatings, ground, normal, statistical, statistic in equivale control normal, protected ground, cleaning concrete, see, consistency, concrete, according to, steel used must be guaranteed with a distinctive seal …, pond, coef., steel, engineers, cype, retaining walls, feature table, upper free, superior in coronation, free side, interior free side, shoe with concrete cleaning, horizontal contact ground, lateral ground contact, fck, art., according to the, note: suitable for concrete, Yes you can, be reduced, armor, without dynamic actions, geotechnical data, admissible of the land considered mpa ……., overlapping lengths of vertical reinforcements in walls. lb, with dynamic actions, nominal coatings, kind, character, pond, coef., normal, control, level, normal, on the terrain, nominal coating, control, steel, concrete, environment, exposition, kind, consistency, soft, soft, mm., size, max. arid, mm., materials, pond, coef., statistical, level, control

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
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File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel, N/A
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Footprint Area
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