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Map Of Sao Paulo DWG Block for AutoCAD

Map of the city of Sao Paulo is located in Brazil

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):

run by: conventions, road system, boundaries, altimetry and geographical accidents, hydrography, railroad, overpass, bridge and tunnel, walkway, physical separator, perennial watercourse, dam, lake, lagoon ,, and tank, waterlogged and marshland , channel, intermediate and district level curves, district boundary, annual variation of magnetic declination :, edition :, quoted point, quoted point level, municipal boundary, city development secretary, city map of são paulo, buildings, high-voltage tower, refurbishment :, reambulation :, quarry and slope, embankment, cut, pmsp thanks for the communication of possible misconceptions or omissions verified on the map, metrovia, prefecture of the municipality of são paulo, talude, mov. earth, earth movement, stairway street, culvert and gallery, canals, canalized rivers, dam and dam, high voltage substation, water point, stairway, substation, buildings, wall, fence and fence, swimming pool , favela boundary, construction, foundation, and ruin, remarkable buildings, aerophotogrammetric survey, vertical fundamental support point – ibge, horizontal fundamental support point – ibge, field support, usp, localization of the leaf in the municipality, leaf articulation, stock photo, royalty free photo, stock photograph, stock photograph, stock photographs, picture, pictures, graphic, graphics Information Legal Privacy Terms & Conditions Employment Feedback Contact Us Follow Us! gabus freire mantovan paulo josé gomes bráulio dr seven itu ipiranga araújo arouche freitas bento person baima timbirás dos sertório teodoro uni barão itapetininga epitácio , major, santa, isabel, aurora, console the april dom cloister scallop oak general garden marquis plaza republic darcy hairstyle house caetano de campos state secretary of education post office public library library municipal mário de andrade theater municipal, shopping mall, light, eletropaulo, gallery, prestes mayan, terminal, bus, p. the post office new joao plaza pedro lessa advisor tea viaduct effigy white river av square plaza mail anhangabaú square branches azevedo tobias river brig. colonel badaró libero mayo four twenty marconi formosa toledo xavier crispiniano abelardo pinto apothecary antoinio godoy captain salomão seminary paissandu largo santo senator bonifacio benjamin , amaro, cristóvão, cross, riachuelo, three, colombo, doctor noschese tv maria paula asdrúbal gagliotti adolfo cel cel francisca miquelina geneva right constant nine nine andrade flag square patriarch plaza ouvidor pacheco and silva wide memory alfredo francisco anhangabaú station hawk son grassi birth catwalk egidio wide francsco flag transformer , eletropaulo station, rectifier riachuelo, mário, chamber, fernando, gallego, luis, brigadeiro, dona, steva ux, eusebio, jacareí, municipal, são paulo, prefecture, municipality, são paulo, externato, são francisco, forum, hely lopes, meirelles, federation, spiritist, state, ipep, paulina, minicipal, government, secretary , public, security, assis, palace, justice, military police, metropolitan, station, jd. of the divine providence meadow martinho maj. almoinho avanhandava fountains martins eyelash nestor batista ricardo cons. diogo abolition japura radial east franklin roosevelt craveiro lopes , Praça. distillery saucer sausage tunnel street joão passalaqua airport countryside mars theater theater artistic culture center telephone health inss ministry of health health suds woman health center ref., institute, dr. general of bourroul palace of justice mackenzie college water reservoir treated sabesp registry craft real estate civil police puc – sp science center exact and technology clemente ferreira bountiful society cremesp, regional council, medical, power, judiciary, federal, church, consalatrix, afflictorwm, emei patrícia galvão, de campos, caetano, e.m.i.e., administration, special civil court, judiciary, university, presbyterian, airport field of mars, access to consolation street, street dr. cemetery motorcycle tunnel viscount pink paranaguá gold black frei mug caio gravatai guimaraes antonia augusta beautiful view monteiro lobato juvenile child and theater sesc military justice of the state of são paulo, anchieta, senac, sta. house of brotherhood, mercy, s. paulo, secret. of state administration of penitentiary hospital santa isabel e santa casa de rotary rego junior speck cesario horta cunha borba village silva costa chair elevated amaral gurgel arthur body of, firemen, police, civil, av. are joão, issa, beneficência, pç. pedro, holy effigy, alfredo issa

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Portuguese
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Pool
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