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Retaining Walls DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Detail of retaining walls, reinforcing steel, flat walls.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

iirsa, north, ministry of transport and communications, mtc, end of sub drain, code :, date :, scale:, indicated, rev., modification of the trace of the sawmill variant, geotechnical project, I present :, design :, I verify: , drawing :, approved:, designer:, description, revisions, date, detail engineering project, modification of the trace of the sawmill variant, plant, perforated for the heel of the wall, material selected for filter, technical specifications, diameter, tube, filter filler, nonwoven, reinforced concrete, concrete for screed, retaining wall, culvert, mother level curve, simple level bend, cutting shoulder, slope foot, fence, legend, stake out axis, road width, channel axis, datum elev, level of grazing, pavement, sub-base, base, crowning gutter, stone masonry emboquillada, flooring, unloading with, stone embossed, compacted filling, sewer discharge, stone embossed, channel d escarga, projected wall, rioja, burnt corral, start of crowning ditch, utcubamba, river, projected sub drain axis, left margin, beginning of wall, end of wall, end of wall, sub drain axis, projected, start of sub drain, transition, ditch discharge, shoe, geotextile, reinforcing steel, var., type, total parts, unit, total, steel, total steel, minimum coatings, waterproof material, cc: var., cf: var ., current terrain, road axis,,, mileage, crown level, distance, bottom elevation, foundation, transversal discharge, drain pipe, concrete cyclopean, foundation bottom, wall crown, Flush edge, road, steel summary, grade line, wall, overlap, details distribution of reinforcing steel, section type – steel distribution, section type – dimensions, table of measures

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Masonry, Steel, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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