Germantown – Valparaiso – Chile DWG Block for AutoCAD
Topographic plant of GermanTown city; Province de Marga Marga; Valparaíso region; Chile
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
juan menares, simbologia, densification, extension, ex-ur, special, road structuring, aqueduct las vegas, communal limit, rising, urban limit, polygon, limit areas, ranco, street e, street d, street c, huasco, elqui, calle b, calle a, pje.union, general ibañez, caracas, bogota, pje.santiago, buenos aires, old road, hanga roa, central, pto.palos, orrego luco, e.berrios, pje.sta.maria, picture green, j.eyzaguirre, sragento candelaria perez, sta.maria, rapanui, easter island, pje.roble, jerusalen, nazareth, cosmos, pje.ibanez, quito, union, the forest, pje.inter.peatonal, the camellias, pje.principal, berlin, ibanez, rumie, palmira, carmen, freesia, pje.struga, venice, pje.guacolda, the apricots, the almonds, the thorns, future, the, per, you say, the, manza, us, the orange, traslavina, avocados, apple trees, cherry trees, lambert, huanhuali, new, pje.huanhuali, emerald, ramirez, sta.cecilia, castro, pje.lutjens, pudeto, cam. fundo, aranda, lautaro, reynicke, avda. valparaiso, santiago, caupolican, progress, p.monte alegre, p.magasic, ferrari, diaz, san enrique, avda.victoria, sta.ana, balmaceda, sta., arrieta, almte.neff, cumming, avda.maturana, new maturana, sta.rita, san martin, race, condell, walk the heroes, prat, white, est.v.alemana, patricio lynch, williamson, avda. first, avda. ignacio career pinto, errazuriz, pedro montt, avda. marcelino champagnat, pje.b.aires, p.toro, third, second, p.williamson, pje.hola, pje.atalch, brown, beagle, kilns, messier, sunday composto, leon, joglar, lombar, jogl , london, jazmines, madrid, seville, barcelona, tarragona, lerida, gerona, valencia, alicante, castellon, o’higgins, jjperez, rubilar, andres beautiful, projected, bruce, garcia, orella, echaurren, bulnes, altamirano, arica , m.concha, aviador figueroa, pje.tres south, south, neruda, cervantes, france, the bridge, avda., first, sta. marta, san sebastian, san marcos, las rosas, rivadavia, don, fernando, don jose, copiapo, hope, lastra, arieta, yungay, marquez, villar, red earth, la serena, sta.margarita, san agustin, rosenqvist, lourdes , belgica, coquimbo, vallenar, vicuna, veterans, b.prat, fug, new pisagua, pisagua, dolores, pje.peru, colombia, maria mercedes, san jose, independence, gomez carreno, panama, pje.dinamarca, pje. oriente,, sow, sta.filomena, dry stream, pje.las mercedes, gandarillas, avda.kennedy, willow, pje.b, pje.c, araya, serrano, hospital, eucalyptus, alamos, e. grandi, cordovez, mauricio, mirador, santa, maria, platanos, michael, los olivos, marcon, daniel de la vega, casano, dgo.sta.cruz,, san juan, pizarro, pje.queltehues, pje.las partridges, condor, pje.e, pje.d, pje.a, quillay, araucarias, rauli, tamarugo, chanar, pepper, carob, larches, tineo, oak, boldo, guayacan , the peumos, the chestnut, the cinnamon, the hawthorn, the arrayan, cypress, the hazel, old logs, the ulmo, coigue, ulmo, the dew, the maitenes, the maqui, calle uno, avda. mayor miguel gandulfo g., the guantabos, mayor alejandro peralta, water eyes, projected, tizzano, peaches, tte.merino, cardinals, acacias, colbun, rappel, polcura, the godoy, imperial river, lake villarrica, lake all saints, lake, llanq, uihue, angamos, sirius, pje.arturus, pje alpha centaurus, alpha centaurus, pje.fobos, capella, nath, nunki, alioth, andromeda, procyon, beta crucis, pje.deneo, the carali, arneb, gaminedes, casiopea, nintaka, alnilan, alnitak, line, the girl, rio cachapoal, rio limari, baker, hyaces, alcydne, mayor rodolfo galleguillos, rio, rio petrohue, rio claro, chile, curacautin, carahue, tolten, marga-marga, fernanda, felisia, the mills, oak, lyre, atahualpa, pje.francia, guacolda, the alamo, collipulli, pje.lonquimay, temuco, loncoche, nva.tolten, pje.yumbel, tortosa, coruña, bilbao, colo-colo, sta.elena, baquedano, estac. peñablanca, pje.latorre, abelardo red, america, latorre, coya, rodriguez, palena, camilo mori, pdte. manuel montt, covadonga, abtao, riquelme, geronimo cristinich gonzalez, p.roma, p.viena, p.japon, ines de suarez, p.lircay, las heras, p.sta.ana, valentin letelier, valdivia, sgto village, p.brasilia, ercilla, p.jaraquemada, j.ross, parish, tucapel, llacolen, san carlos, the ash trees, for the thorns, the orange tree, the united states, a.parra, rinihue, the mirador, irene frei, p.aguirre, lake rinihue, toledo, cap.avalos, sweden, pedro victor contreras, the americas, pje. mañio, pinto, ecuador, goeffert, victoria, sta.ema, p.carmen, p.hortensias, p.suspiros, p.pensamientos, camelia, alelies, prieto, walphein, pje.capri, pje.montecarlo, garay, pje. progress, nashville, pje.estribor, assumption, peace, lima, paris, vienna, rivera, roma, lisbon, sn.lorenzo, pje.lisboa, sighs, octave, sirens, hummingbird, seventh, fifth, sixth, g. mistral, camilo, jmcaro, henriquez, avda.i.carrera pinto, pje.toro, fco.pena calquin, tokyo, sepul, lombardi, peace, main, p
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Handbooks & Manuals |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | Metric |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Pool |
Tags | autocad, block, chile, city, de, DWG, plant, province, region, topographic, valparaiso |