Beam Frame – Shoring DWG Block for AutoCAD
beam frame – Shoring
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
frame type, esc, frame type, esc, frame type, esc, frame type, esc, frame type, esc, raised, cut, plant, cut, cut, cut, cut, smooth folded sheet, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, frame type, quadrant tube conduven, plant starter sprue pb, esc, starter runner plant, esc, angle, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, plant starter sprue pb, starter runner plant, formwork guides for walls, esc, fastener screws, esc, plant, cross-section, cut, external elevation, internal elevation, longitudinal cut, plant by piece, plant, cut, raised, fasteners, esc, formwork services pipeline, esc, esc, sheet no, content, indicated, date, design, formwork guides for walls, fastener screws, fasteners, formwork services pipeline, smooth folded sheet, profile, circular tube conduven, ipn profile, upn profile, omega profile, smooth sheet, upn profile, External elevation form type, esc, wheel, internal elevation form, esc, esc, sheet no, content, External elevation form type, internal elevation form, date, design, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, Armed example of the panels, panel type, esc, panel type, esc, Armed example of the panels, esc, angle, omega profile, smooth sheet, upn profile, smooth folded sheet, circular tube conduven, detail, circular tube conduven, wheel, plant of two modules form, esc, angle, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, plant of two modules form, upn profile, omega profile, smooth sheet, upn profile, smooth folded sheet, circular tube conduven, detail, circular tube conduven, wheel, plant of two modules form, esc, date, esc, sheet no, design, content, plant of two modules form, elevation of two modules formaleta, esc, detail, upn profile, smooth folded sheet, circular tube conduven, smooth folded sheet, upn profile, detail, angle of, ipn profile, circular tube conduven, union plate, wheel, esc, sheet no, content, elevation of two modules formaleta, date, design, esc, lateral elevations form type module, esc, external elevation form module type, drilling for fixation, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, lateral elevations form type module, detail, upn profile, smooth folded sheet, circular tube conduven, smooth folded sheet, upn profile, detail, angle of, ipn profile, circular tube conduven, union plate, wheel, union plate, Elevation of two modules type formaleta, esc, esc, sheet no, content, Elevation of two modules type formaleta, date, design, panel type, esc, panel type, esc, panel type, esc, panel type, esc, panel type, esc, panel type, esc, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, panel type, smooth folded sheet, profile, circular tube conduven, ipn profile, upn profile, omega profile, smooth sheet, angle, wheel, External elevation form type, esc, internal elevation form, esc, esc, sheet no, content, internal elevation form, External elevation form type, date, design, vertical panel type, esc, smooth folded sheet, angle, upn profile, omega profile, ipn profile, upn profile, ipn profile, esc, sheet no, content, vertical panel type, date, design, omega profile, ipn profile, upn profile, smooth sheet, profile, ipn profile, plant type formate, esc, plant panel horizontal form, esc, form plate union type, esc, esc, sheet no, content, plant type, plant panel horizontal form, form plate union type, date, design, esc, plant form module type, esc, internal elevation form module type, angle, square profile conduven, rectangular profile conduven, smooth sheet, smooth sheet for fixing, square profile conduven, smooth sheet for fixing, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, plant form module type, internal elevation form module type, armed formwork of enclosures, esc, Armed frames for circulation openings, esc, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, Armed frames for circulation openings, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, details, wheel detail, esc, wheel detail, esc, esc, plant form module type, esc, internal elevation form module type, angle, square profile conduven, rectangular profile conduven, smooth sheet, smooth sheet for fixing, smooth sheet for fixing, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, plant form module type, internal elevation form module type, external elevation form module type, esc, esc, plant form module type, esc, angle, square profile conduven, rectangular profile conduven, smooth sheet for fixing, smooth sheet, side elevations, esc, internal elevation form module type, drilling for fixation, smooth sheet for fixing, square profile conduven, esc, sheet no, content, date, design, external elevation form module type, plant form module type, rise
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Construction Details & Systems |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | autocad, beam, block, coffrage, DWG, formwork, frame, schalung, shoring, shorings, sliderail system, slipform, verschalung |