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Ceiling Plaster And Points Of Lighting DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Detail of ceiling plaster and points of lighting

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):

scale, cut bb, dormitory, ventilation duct, wait for the exhaust fan, projection ventilation duct frames, scale, extractor hood plant, Exit the cooker hood., ventilation duct, kitchen, subtitle, living room, thickness cm, thickness cm, kitchen, thickness cm, living room, niches in gypsum board, scale, cut aa, living room, view of niches in gypsum board in aa, projection of plasterboard, dining room, scale, plant niches in gypsum board, scale, plant niches in gypsum board, check onsite, obs. unfinished floor dimensions, check onsite, obs. unfinished floor dimensions, check onsite, obs. unfinished floor dimensions, check onsite, obs. unfinished floor dimensions, check onsite, obs. unfinished floor dimensions, scale, cut dd, scale, cut cc, circulation, thickness cm, check onsite, obs. unfinished floor dimensions, lining projection, circuit, light points, light switch, kitchen, dormitory, circulation, living room, subtitle, check onsite, obs. unfinished floor dimensions, plasterboard lining, projection of gypsum plaster niches, kitchen, dormitory, circulation, living room, floor level, thickness cm, view of niches in gypsum board in aa, cm negative, window, subtitle, unchanged environments, subtitle, background wall, key, keys, scale, lighting spot plant in the liner, scale, lining plant, scale, plant with layout, scale, detail, ventilation duct, circulation, thickness cm, slab, beam, plasterboard lining, scale, general floor plan, closet projection, ventilation duct, circuit, light points, light switch, wait for the exhaust fan, projection ventilation duct, kitchen, dormitory, circulation, living room, ventilation duct, Exhaust Waiting, floor level, closet projection, subtitle, printing: paper scale, residential jolie neighborhood are vitto, august, preliminary study, architect maurice grezzana civil engineer juliano schaefer, board

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Portuguese
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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