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Details Steel Connection DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Details structures connection in steel

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

law of January, engineering engineering architecture meeting, municipal engineer, owner, from:, jose j. baez j., architect, license no., firm, engineering engineering architecture meeting, firm, law of January, architect, license no., humberto echeverria c., architects, humberto echeverria asoc, tel fax apdo el dor. rp., h.echeverria, w.wilcox, development, design, oct., date, panama caribbean, structural calculation, electric calculation, mechanical calculation, infrastructure, luis garcia d., paradise, proy from, wings of, plate of, plate of, soul of, soul of, welding, penetration, projection, of the soul of, plate of, lower, wings of, wf det, column, plate of, soul of, wings of, platinum, platinum, platen, platinum, platinum, tensor, platinum, platinum, platinum, platinum, soul of wf, tensor, tensor, column, projection, projection, of the soul of, wings of, platinum, see details of, pedestal dish in, foundation sheet, tensor, column soul, n.p.a., platinum, platinum, platinum, column, born on, beam wf, column, platinum, beam wf, platinum, born on, platinum, soul of, plate of, penetration, welding, plate of, plate of, of the soul of, wings of, wf det, column, plate of, of the soul of, wings of, wf det, column, projection, where indicated, projection, where indicated, projection, plate of, plate of, beam, projection, upper wing, platinum, tensor, platinum, proy from, wings of, plate of, plate of, soul of, soul of, welding, penetration, ang from, plate, platinum, nominal size, soldier with cord, continuous to the soul of, the beam, platinum, nominal size, soldier with cord, continuous to the soul of, the beam, ang from, fill with, welding, between the beam, the angle, angle of, between the beam, the wing of the, beam, main beam, partition walls, nominal size, projection, column, running plate, column, ang from, long, both sides of the, main beam, each side, platinum, platinum, soul of, the beam, double cord, double cord, column, beam soul, platinum, double cord, beam soul, platinum, soul of, the beam, platinum, platinum, central connection, platinum, nominal, plate of, nominal, soul of, the beam, column, beam of, ceiling, continuous soldering, full penetration, pallets of, about sold. from, penetration, complete, beam of, ceiling, beam of, ceiling, Detail when a beam, take another, angles of, alama de, the beam, beam, angles of, connection details, of mezzanine beam, for stairwell, plate of, plate of, keep going, platinum, platinum, nominal, double, platinum, nominal, double, angles of, plate of, plate of, keep going, plate of, angles of, plate of, beam wing, soul of, beam, beam soul, principal, platinum, nominal size, soldier with cord, continuous to the soul of, the beam, angle of, aligners, with nut thread, strollers, Cal Galv c.a.c., thermal insulation, steel sheets, enameled lime, beam of, ceiling, thermal insulation, steel sheets, enameled lime, plate of, plate of, col ‘where indicated, in the plant, col ‘where indicated, in the plant, col ‘where indicated, in the plant, central, Connection, dish of long, welded bezel, mooring beam cordon, of main beam, adjust the directions, typical welding symbols, welding symbol all around, size of, Welding symbol of intermittent string fillet, another reference, process, double fillet welding symbol, of the, size, the omission means that, welding extends, direction like this bounded, between sudden changes of, length, the welding symbol all, around indicates that the weld, it extends completely around, from the board, step between, of increments, length of increments, contours, flat, joints by welding, symbolic rules, standards for welding symbols, supplementary welding symbols, Location localization rule, spaced, with, back, Weld, countryside, around, all, at, back, fillet, square, channel, plug, aws, see the code, for other symbols, convex, flared, bizel, flared, bizel, grooves splices, plate of, welded with cord, of beams, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, detail, scale, Union, ceiling, Union, ceiling, Union, ceiling, Union, mezzanine, ceiling, Union, mezzanine, ceiling, Union, detail, scale, detail, Union, plant, scale, plant, plant, scale, scale, plant, plant, scale, scale, plant, roof plant, scale, scale, roof plant, Important notes: it is the responsibility of the contractor who supplies the sections with the verification of all the final measurements of both the plan and the connections the contractor sumi

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Steel, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features A/C
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