Development Map Piura, Peru–Street And Road Planning DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Road, plan for the course of urban development of the city of Piura, Peru.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

scale :, date :, sheet :, reference, provincial municipality, piura, metropolitan urban development plan, road system plan, plan, location :, provincial mayor, planning and development management, piura, territorial planning office, approved :, graphic, road system, ruby ​​consuelo rodriguez vda. of aguilar, residential area, industrial zone, new d-d section according to current consolidation, secondary track, fast track, existing track, one-way local streets, local streets for housing use authorization, local streets to enable use of housing – workshop, av. Pan American, bridge av. Pan-American, section n-n, section m – m, av. gulman de t.t. to the south, av. gulman of the av. bypass until t.t., av. progress of the av. ramón castilla south, section hh, section ii, section jj, section kk, section gg, chira piura channel, section aa, section ee, lp, section dd, section cc, section bb, section ñ-ñ, mm, cc, bb, cementerio el angel, urb. san antonio, national university of piura, ejidos, diversion dam, zona com. model market, av. galvez velarde, apv. the palm trees, a.h. tangarara, urb. san ramon, urb. the chipe, urb. the cocos del chipe, urb. la rivera, urb. golf, urb. lagoon of the chipe, found the providence, urb. lourdes, a.p.v. the medals of the chipe, a.p.v. the hills of the chipe, udep, rosa, urb. san luis, i stage, urb. las casuarinas, ii stage, ignacio merino, urb., urb. el trebol, urb. mariscal tito, industrial zone ii, urb. municipal, a.a. caceres, a.h.m., chira piura, urb. resid. piura, urb. sta. ana, urb. banking, monterrico, california, a.v. clarke, western residential area, a.h. alan peru, a.v. Juan Pablo II, traditional neighborhood sur la Gallinacera, a.v. sta. clear, a.v. jose carlos mariategui, a.p.v. the titans i stage, a.p.v. the titans ii stage, a.h. heroes del cenepa, a.h. blue lagoon, a.h. buenos aires, a.h. the alamos, a.h. san juan, a.h. Lord of miracles, a.h. susana higuchi, apv. jm. and. balanguer, a.h. jorge basadre, a.h. alejandro sanchez arteaga, micaela housing group bastidas i stage, micaela bastides housing set ii stage, micaela housing set bastidas iii stage, micaela housing group bastidas iv stage, new castile, miracles, lord of the, child city, cossio del pomar, enace , mercedes, medanos, miguel grau i, stage, tacala, valle la esperanza, almond trees, victor raul, beech, torre, san valentin, ficus sector, ah santa rosa, sector ricardo jauregui, a.h. santa julia, and tupac amaru, zone a, accum., field pole, sector, juan pablo ii, alfonso ugarte, buenos aires, consolation velasco i stage, consolation velasco ii stage, a.h. ignacio merino, sector b, palms sector a, miguel grau sector i, zone b, miguel grau ii sector, lion saldivar, san pedro, victor raul haya, tower, talarita, lopez albujar, santa julia sector fatima, santa julia sector b, santa julia sector a, tupac amaru, jorge chavez, city of the sun, plot acum, upis luis alberto sanchez, villa peru canada, san martin area a, san martin area b, talarita-parc., avenidacircunvalacion, av grau, rooster, ruiz, pedro, esep, military, a chulucanas, apv, avifap, cemetery, av. mrscal. andres avelino caceres – west, metropolitan, av. ignacio merino, dumb, school, deaf, a.h. pachitea, a. h. l a, p r i m a v e r, goretti, a.h. maria, ur b., miraflores, chiclayito, jesus maria, avenue, fair, field, stadium, manco, inca, cortez, miguel, ica, progress, junin, san martin, ramon castilla, bolognesi, rio piura, isabel, sta. , vicus, res., san eduardo, san felipe, the geraniums, eguiguren, tallanes, to v., the, santa maria, ramon, country, club, calixto, bridge, arequipa, tacna, liberty, lima, jiron, roma, cajamarca, lambayeque, circumvallation, urban, loreto, ayacucho, apurimac, tamarind, sullana, tumbes, bolognesi, moquegua, club grau, loreto, jiron, grau, callao, cuzco, huanuco, malecon, huancavelica, san miguel, miniatura, weapons, square, sanchez hill, san teodoro, urobamba, orange, las, mias, gar, jr., san, marañon, martin, pachitea, amazonas, huallaga, street, los, uchuraccay, morona, cristobal, av. luis antonio eguiguren escudero, ceibos, del, parque, fortunato, av., canal – chira piura, the farm, miguel grau, cayetano, to v. l u i s m o n t e r, av. grau, heredia, c. and. p., to v. i n d e n e n c a n a n c e, san ignacio, de loyola, santa maria, casuarinas, chirichigno, san grabiel, p. j., fifth julia, castilla, a. h., san bernardo, airstrip, p.j talarita, a.h. the montero, ah. the montero, prolongation, channel chira piura, p r o g r e s, m o c h i c a, h u a s c a r, lloque yupanqui, mayta capac, capac yupanqui, manco capac, inca roca, a v., ayacuch

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Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
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File Type dwg
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Measurement Units Metric
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