Evacuation Plan And Safety DWG Plan for AutoCAD
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
Intellectual, Issued by drp s.r.l., An authorization, Any should have, Marketing use of, Doe run peru s.r.l., Contained is property, This map information, warning, Drawing number:, Scale, Rev., topography:, Drawn by:, Approved by:, Checked by:, Rev., Date, Revised description, Approved by, Revised by, Reference dwg., Description, Project division, Date:, The oroya division, Indicated, June, Date:, June, Date:, Division projects, H.bravo g., Ing. C. thin, Juan Carlos Flores, July, This plan the information contained is intellectual property of: your marketing use of any must have an authorization issued by project division, warning, Scale, Drawing number:, Rev .:, Project division, Designed by:, Drawn by:, Checked by:, Approved by:, Date:, Rev. No, Date:, Revised description, Revised by:, Approved by:, Reference dwg. :, Description:, June, Of water drainage with public network network of the general cemetery of yauli public charity of yauli la oroya, Location map, Provincial municipality of yauli la oroya public charity society of yauli la oroya, June, Ing. R.turres, departure, risk, extinguisher, Safe zone in earthquake cases, first aid, bath, departure, Regulatory framework, Area chart, settings, R.n., draft, description, symbol, total, Areas, geographic location, scale, drawing, date, R.turres, may, sheet, flat, draft, Professional signature seal, owner, province, district, urbanization, Street number, region, Junin, Yauli, The oroya, Jirón dario león nº, Mayta hector rodrigo, Technical inspection in civil defense security, Location location, Location scheme, Predominant use, Net density, Building coefficient, free area, Front lower clearance, parking lot, commercial business, Area land, perimeter, Use area, Local trade, Zoning, Xxx, Xxx, Rio yauli, Rio mantaro, Electric sub station, green area, Electric sub station, River, guardhouse, water tank, green areas, telephone box, sidewalk, guardhouse, water valve, main point, Sub station elect, Huancayo, lime, Central highway av. Grade, av. to. Avelino caceres, oval, school, Amalia espinoza, Essay, hospital, poplars, Housing, Cooperative, Huaymanta, P.j. Lioness, meadow, Norman king, P.j. Florida, Enafer, Camps, High turkey, P.j. The merceres, dam, Chulec, Park, Ecological park, Inei ii, lagoon, school, Railways, crossing, Peruvian club, complex, sports, Prlg., May cross, Rio cuchimachay, Rio maracana, Reservoir of, drinking water, Chakra, Hill, saint Louis, neighborhood, Iquitos street, Prlg., Chanchamayo, freedom, square, Prlg. San Martin, AC. J.carlos mariategui, May bell, neighborhood, May street, new bridge, Street tarma, green areas, Mayupampa, school, management, lime, Tarma, Laundry chulec, Road lima tarma, Club chulec, golf course, Chulec field, Garita elctroandes, lime, Access dofor afforestation area, Rio mantaro, Shinca, Curipata, Paccha, Amachay, station, Street, lime, Neighborhood sings cock, Neighborhood tallapuquio, San Juan neighborhood, Camps, Electromes, A.h. Micaela bastidas, P.j. saint, Vicente de paul, Santa anita, neighborhood, Ex enafer, Camps, neighborhood, Saint Charles, Tupac amaru, neighborhood, Beautiful side, A.h. Victor, A.h. high, Mrcavalle, neighborhood, October, Chuschis, Sack, neighborhood, Villa sol, Sack, neighborhood, Saint Rose, Horacio zevallos, Huancayo, Central road lima huancayo, Road tarma, Central road lima huancayo, Road lima tarma, Central road lima huancayo, Road lima tarma, Tarma, Huancayo, lime, Central road lima huancayo, Huancayo, lime, Central road lima huancayo, Rio yauli, Rio mantaro, Rio mantaro, Marcavalle towers, Hydro houses, Chulec, Buenos Aires, Mayupampa, Marcavalle, foundry, Huampani, Buenos Aires, emerald, Saint Rose, Huaymanta, High turkey, Sudete, Wall, Marcavalle, Central road to tarma, green areas, Marcavalle, refinery, green areas, Residential complex towers of marcavalle, Huaymanta, Sudete, Railways, Hydro building, Sesquicentenario building, Inca hotel, Chulec residential complex, Chupampa residential set, Mayupampa residential complex, Tarmac road, Encircled enclosure, Tarmac road, Rio mantaro, Tarmac road, Access to wells, Tarmac road, Encircled enclosure, Tarmac road, Encircled enclosure, water well, av. Horacio zevallos, school, sidewalk, green areas, Railroad, Central road to tarma, Encircled enclosure, Water pipes, water well, Chulec Bridge, stairs, whereabouts, Hill, sport slab, Chulec, Suck, green areas, sport slab, Central lime road, Central highway huancayo, Inca club, Marcavalle, towers, Marcavalle, Huampani, good ones, Airs, emerald, Saint Rose, Huaymanta, High turkey, Chulec, Suck, Mayupampa, The oroya, ancient, foundry, refinery, Bm doe run, Curipata, Santa ro
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Plan |
Category | Heavy Equipment & Construction Sites |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park |
Tags | autocad, capacete, casque, cerca, d'une clôture, details, DWG, evacuation, extincteur, extintor de incêndio, fence, feuerlöscher, fire extinguisher, helm, helmet, plan, route, safety, SEATS, zaun |