Gas Separating Equipment DWG Block for AutoCAD

gas separating equipment

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

ss wire mesh, mist extractor, thk., a,b, head and shell seams, c,d, schedule of openings, service, mark, qty., size, other, mat’l, sch., nozzle, lgth., o.d., i.d., int, ext, proj., reinforcement, weld, detail, drawing, fillet weld size, bore, flange, transition size, —- —- —- —-, ————————-, paint procedures, —————————————, scrubber, jory l. bernard llc., njt, job no., date, reference, approved by, checked by, plot scale, drawn by, location, serial no., title, customer, universal equipment, inc., revisions, general notes, ________design pressure, ________design temperature, ________hydrostatic test pressure, ________corrosion allowance, ________empty ________full, radiography:, ________, circumferential seam________, longitudinal seam________, ____________________, ultrasonic exam________, shell, ________________materials spec’s ____________in. thk., —- —-, –,— –,—, —-, vessel, vessel connections, heads, number date revision, revised by checked by, – —— ————————-, tjg tjg, drawing no., sheet no., welding procedures:, add internals indicated on drawing, fillet weld unless otherwise noted, original plate stamping, size, working press., original manufacturer, maloney carwford, shell thk., head thk., year built, serial no., radiography, stress relieving, working temp., nat’l board no., ———-, alteration plate stamping, altered by, b.w. union, w.n. flange, coupling, unibolt, center line, i.d. base ring, bolt circle, o.d. base ring, bolt holes, basering detail, orientation, skirt access, padeye, shell padeye, elevation, inlet diverter, scale: n.t.s., top view, side view, padeye detail, proj, i.s., hole each, segment

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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