Multi Family Project Las Lilastypical Urbane Plant Of Las Lilas DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

Typical urbane plant

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

second floor, first floor, third floor, housing type, housing type, housing type, Location, nikolay r. villanueva baez, promotes: avb, location: urb. the groove santiago, project the lilacs of the farmhouse, groove lima peru, project: the lilas location: santiago de surco. typology single-family apartments c. typical homes: bedrooms bathrooms living room kitchen laundry terrace balcony., nikolay r. villanueva baez, promotes: avb, location: urb. the groove santiago, project the lilacs of the farmhouse, groove lima peru, project: the lilas location: santiago de surco. tipologia unifamiliares typical dwellings: bedrooms bathrooms living room kitchen laundry terrace balcony., Location, location, nikolay r. villanueva baez, promotes: avb, location: urb. the groove santiago, project the lilacs of the farmhouse, groove lima peru, project: the lilas location: santiago de surco. typology single-family apartments c. typical homes: bedrooms bathrooms living room kitchen laundry terrace balcony., street manuel lorenzo aguirre, Location, nikolay r. villanueva baez, promotes: avb, location: urb. the groove santiago, project the lilacs of the farmhouse, groove lima peru, project: the lilas location: santiago de surco. typology single-family apartments c. typical homes: bedrooms bathrooms living room kitchen laundry terrace balcony., nikolay r. villanueva baez, promotes: avb, location: urb. the groove santiago, project the lilacs of the farmhouse, groove lima peru, project: the lilas location: santiago de surco. tipologia unifamiliares typical dwellings: bedrooms bathrooms living room kitchen laundry terrace balcony., housing type, nikolay r. villanueva baez, promotes: avb, location: urb. the groove santiago, project the lilacs of the farmhouse, groove lima peru, project: the lilas location: santiago de surco. tipologia unifamiliares typical dwellings: bedrooms bathrooms living room kitchen laundry terrace balcony., housing type, nikolay r. villanueva baez, promotes: avb, location: urb. the groove santiago, project the lilacs of the farmhouse, groove lima peru, project: the lilas location: santiago de surco. tipologia unifamiliares typical dwellings: bedrooms bathrooms living room kitchen laundry terrace balcony., Location, nikolay r. villanueva baez, promotes: avb, location: urb. the groove santiago, project the lilacs of the farmhouse, groove lima peru, project: the lilas location: santiago de surco. typology single-family apartments c. typical homes: bedrooms bathrooms living room kitchen laundry terrace balcony., Location, nikolay r. villanueva baez, promotes: avb, location: urb. the groove santiago, project the lilacs of the farmhouse, groove lima peru, project: the lilas location: santiago de surco. typology single-family apartments c. typical homes: bedrooms bathrooms living room kitchen laundry terrace balcony., nikolay r. villanueva baez, promotes: avb, location: urb. the groove santiago, project the lilacs of the farmhouse, groove lima peru, project: the lilas location: santiago de surco. typology

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots Missing Attachment
File Type dwg
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