Olympic Pool And Fosa Key DWG Detail for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

n.p.t., access., Olympic Pool, group, scale, dimensions, castle rivera ana silvia, dunk pit, Specifications, ipn, that, I love you, review date:, architectural plant, first level, dunk pit, terrace, Olympic Pool, terrace, first level, Olympic Pool, group, scale, dimensions, castle rivera ana silvia, dunk pit, Specifications, ipn, that, I love you, review date:, p. architectural changes, second level, dunk pit, Olympic Pool, second level, Olympic Pool, group, scale, dimensions, castle rivera ana silvia, dunk pit, Specifications, ipn, that, I love you, review date:, longitudinal cut, Olympic Pool, group, scale, dimensions, castle rivera ana silvia, dunk pit, Specifications, ipn, that, I love you, review date:, p. architectural changes, first level, dunk pit, terrace, Olympic Pool, terrace, first level, Olympic Pool, group, scale, dimensions, castle rivera ana silvia, dunk pit, Specifications, ipn, that, I love you, review date:, cut by facade, cut by facade, the polycarbonate sheets, they measure wide, of height fastened each, on specified nodes, in the plane, Olympic Pool, group, scale, dimensions, castle rivera ana silvia, dunk pit, Specifications, ipn, that, I love you, date of delivery:, roof plant, roof plant, Olympic Pool, group, scale, dimensions, castle rivera ana silvia, dunk pit, Specifications, ipn, that, I love you, review date:, architectural plant, second level, dunk pit, Olympic Pool, second level, Olympic Pool, group, scale, dimensions, castle rivera ana silvia, dunk pit, Specifications, ipn, that, I love you, review date:, cross-section, cross-section, Olympic Pool, group, scale, dimensions, castle rivera ana silvia, dunk pit, Specifications, ipn, that, I love you, review date:, p. architectural changes, low level, dunk pit, heating pool, Olympic Pool, expansion area, dressing rooms, women, mens, maintenance, office support area, lobby, dressing rooms, low level, platform, trampoline, rack, platform, trampoline, npt, platform, platform, rack, platform, platform, platform, polycarbonate union detail, tridylose, connector, polycarbonate sheets, rack, n.p.t., nut, concrete column anchor esp., thick steel plate, lower string, node, diagonal bars, upper cord, improved material, Foundation slab, chain of distribution in armex, reinforced mesh top mesh, concrete template, column armed detail, do not., n.p.t., Olympic Pool, group, scale, dimensions, castle rivera ana silvia, dunk pit, Specifications, ipn, that, I love you, review date:, architectural plant, low level, dunk pit, heating pool, Olympic Pool, expansion area, dressing rooms, women, mens, maintenance, office support area, lobby, dressing rooms, low level

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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