Parcel Map Miramar Bajo, Chimbote, Ancash, Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD

Subdivision map

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

jr. trujillo, psj. aviation, psj. the mercy, jr. piura, jr. lambayeque, av. jose brown, psj. lambayeque, jr. students, jr. trujillo, jr. Union, av. san pedro, prolong. jr. students, prolong. jr. trujillo, psj. tupac amaru, psj. The marine, psj. the carmen, psj. victor a beautifull, psj., jr. casma, psj. chimu, psj. mochica, psj., psj. trujillo, psj. students, psj. Union, jr. ancash, psj. the miracle, psj. freedom, av. Enrique Meiggs, jr. ballet, psj., jr. aviation, jr. ballet, psj., psj., property, third-party, education, countryside, sports, service, communal, service, communal, area, other purposes, Park, production, Commerce, area, Commerce, education, Commerce, prelature, education, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, education, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, communal service, communal, area, education, area, Commerce, area, Commerce, area, Pacific Ocean, p.j. free town, a.h. city, p.j. florida low, p.j. miramar alto, of God, urban area, jr. you lie, av. jose brown, av. Enrique Meiggs, jr. of July, Commerce, area, jr. freedom, area, psje., psj. the marinas, psj. t. amaru, av. san pedro, jr. Union, jr. casma, prol. Alfonso Ugarte, av. royal road, av. jose brown, jr. Manuel Ruiz, jr. ballet, psj. trujillo, jr. Union, av. coastal, p.j., miramar bass, jr. you lie, jr. lambayeque, jr. piura, jr. aviation, psj. aviation, psj. the mercy, av. Enrique Meiggs, jr. freedom, jr. student, jr. trujillo, jr. ancash, jr. Union, psj. the carmen, psj. beautifull, psj. mochica, p.j., free town, miramar alto, at.m.m., jr. jose olaya, av. royal road, psj. the palms, jr. pachacutec, psj. San Martin, psj. October, prol. Alfonso Ugarte, psj. colon, psj. of May, prol. ladislao espinar, jr. freedom, jr. ancash, prol. leoncio meadow, jr. Union, pje emerald, av. aviation, jr. jose balta, av. Jorge chavez, jr. you lie, psj. freedom, jr. jose balta, psj. pallasca, prol. ladislao espinar, av. jose brown, jr. of July, florida low, p.j., of God, city, a.h., zone, miraflores, p.j., psj. of April, psj. grade, psj. r. palm, psj. colon, jr. Santa Cruz, jr. ica, jr. Admiral Guisse, jr. arica, jr. Saint Rose, jr. lime, jr. huancavelica, Andes, the, jr. arequipa, prol. leoncio meadow, jr. Santa Cruz, jr. casma, psj. of July, jr. of July, jr. they huff, jr. students, Commerce, communal service, responsible technician, supervision, dra. magaly villafuerte f., cofopri chimbote, ancash, low, layout lotization, produced by:, topography, flat, Juan Guerra, miramar, chimbote, santa, building code, date, scale, province, district, ubigeo, of sheet, plan, approval, registry, cofopri, commission of formalization of informal property, young village, professional, Department, quality, modified area, partial, general, useful area, area of ​​commerce, living area, use, general distribution table of areas, education, communal services, area of ​​circulation, total area, serv

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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