Soccer Field DWG Detail for AutoCAD
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
baseball field, boundary, beige, home, ramps, iron pipe, elastic mesh., bridge., field, fut-bolito, access, corridor, bleachers, track athletics, fut-bol, fence, well of absorption, banking , toilets, cafeteria, administration, pedestrian, vehicular, concrete floor, playground, slab basketball, indoor court, basketball court bowl, multipurpose slab, esplanade, fast fut-bol, compacted, subsoil, hydraulic base with gravel, natural terrain treated and compacted sub-base, hydraulic base, irrigation with impregnation, poreo with fine sand, fine sand, detail of terraces for field, without scale, npt, detail of field-garrison, natural terrain, athletic track, detail of garrison- pluvial drain, soccer field, soccer field, pluvial drain, protection grid, pluvial record detail, heroic city, and anointing, always on the heights, heroic city, juapan de león, ahu ehuetitlan de gonzalez., r. tobacco, r. pains., rio mixteco., santa teresa., beautiful sight., oaxaca., the mill., liberation., a juxtlahuaca., sn. miguel papalutla., sn. pedro yodoyuxi., the animas., xochixtlaplilco., rancho solano., ranch jesus., estancia., de león, oaxaca., h. City of Huajupan, del Carmen., Santiago Chilixtlahuaca., to Mariscala., Zapotitlan palmas., fresh water, acatlima., r. kings., r. castle., r. corner., r. ramirez., santa maria ayu., to mexico., magdalena tetaltepec., san sebastian progress., to santa maria zapote., the board., yuxichi., plain big., to tehuacan., north, sketch of macro location, sketch of microlocalization, general notes and construction specifications, symbology, location of the work, field of fut-bol, soccer field, cut cc, rain grids, cut aa, electric record, rain grid, water collection, water log and sand trap , electric pipe, heroic city of Huajuapan de Leon, honorable constitutional town hall
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Detail |
Category | Entertainment, Leisure & Sports |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Concrete, Other |
Measurement Units | Metric |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | athletic, athletic field, autocad, basquetball, court, DETAIL, details, DWG, feld, field, football, golf, soccer, sport slab, sporting platform, sports center, voleyball |