Solar Radiation In Santiago, Chile DWG Block for AutoCAD
Graphics and diagrams of solar radiation in Santiago, Chile
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Catalan):
e s t a d e s t i c a s s and r and s – m e n s u a l e s, usually perpendicular to: x to z, c u t r or s and t u c and o n e s l and m and t e s. …… is drawing two lines parallel to the equator, one, the sun during the solticios cae perpendicular to two, one each vuelta, situaciongeograficare lativas, different horizontales, latitude, reason to fear noon nuestra home with enough , virtual axis, plus quantity latitude of place., dicular to the plane in the tropics. there the sun, sunburn and predict with which angle it passes -, in order to calculate the extraneous angles, the latitudes correspond ………, sides are valid for all places, that is to say the inclinations of the sun Calculations: that is to say, when the sun is perpendicular, the extreme points of the sun are the sol-, templates of decals, to the parallels, located in the same parallel., equator, sunset, horizontal, radio, others is everything the opposite., which is up or down for some, for our horizontal is something different and it, …, this means that for each, solar plane and static lie in that, the virtual axis is inclined with respect to , the ground broken around one, movimientosolar, angulosestacionales, inclination, winter, summer, axis, solstice, -. seasonal changes, -. If the axis was not inclined the climate would remain steady all year long at each latitude: -. It facilitates life cycles, short day, to: w, sun in pto. – latitude Metropolitana, Santiago, las zonas intermedias and cold always the, extreme., Taciondelatierrapermi tea:, lainclinaciondelejede ro – day, night, Dark everything, ayb: solstice, CyD: equinox, Tropics., A: y, transfering the earth, sun, equinox, calorabsorbido, perpendicular to the plane, Capricorn, cancer, rayos solar plane dicho los momentos contenedor that is perfectly parallel to the solar rayos, Biada its relative position in the space, is per-, dicho los momentos that plane, sin haber cam-, perpendicular to the solar rayos., radiacionsolarensanti Aug; infrared emitido por el suelo, radiacionsolar, alumnos: Raul Cabello, carolina Benavides, land, solar light, infrared reflejado, white light, Absorbed infrared, absorbed ultraviolet, troposphere, ozone layer, santiago The incidence of solar radiation with respect to the height, thus, less inci- cial, solar deviation, has a higher degree, the greater the incidence and the lower the height, the lower the one, the determined one Medium in the form of electromagnetic waves. It consists in the process by which the solar energy spreads through, varies, irradiation, greater incidence, the incidence, abr, stgo. short normal, stgo flag, stgo the forest, stgo tobalaba, hill calan, pudahuel, town, ene, mar, feb, oct., jul., may., jun., sep., ago., nov., dic., annual , average, months, major insolation, minor insolation
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Other |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Parks & Landscaping |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | Metric |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | autocad, bioclimatic, bioclimatica, bioclimatique, bioklimatischen, block, chile, diagrams, durable, DWG, graphics, la durabilité, nachhaltig, nachhaltigkeit, santiago, solar, sustainability, sustainable, sustentabilidade, sustentável |