Topografia Educational Institutions DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

Several topographical drawings of projects for schools and children

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

datum elev, name, pbase, pvgrid, pegct, pfgct, pegc, pegl, pegr, pfgc, pgrid, pgridt, right, peglt, pegrt, pdgl, pdgr, npt., concrete shelf, made in work, of alim., psychomotricity, corridor, topic, direction, maintenance, sh discap., s.h., cleaning and, ss.hh., deposit, mat. educ., classroom, meeting patio, soft patio, flagpole, initial, roof projection, sprue, urinal, floor of machiembrada wood or, burnished polished concrete, cement floor, polished, projection ridge axle, joint free , ceramic floor, burnished, polished and burnished, slate, low tank, ups and downs, handrails, swing, circular swing, kitchen, polished concrete floor, pantry, fuel pantry, teaching home, ss.hh, white, white-txt -prof-stat, white-ct-prof-vgrid, white-txt-prof-cntr, white-txt-prof-fgc, white-ct-prof-egc, white-ct-prof-egl, white-ct-prof -egr, white-ct-prof-fgc, white-ct-prof-grid, white-txt-prof-grid, left, white-txt-prof-lt, white-txt-prof-rt, white-ct-prof -dgl, white-ct-prof-dgr, network, red-txt-prof-stat, red-ct-prof-vgrid, red-txt-prof-cntr, red-txt-prof-fgc, red-ct-prof -egc, red-ct-prof-egl, red-ct-prof-egr, red-ct-prof-fgc, red-ct-prof-grid, red-txt-prof-grid, red-txt-prof-lt , red-txt-prof-rt, red-ct-prof-dgl, red-ct-prof-dgr , yellow-txt-prof-stat, yellow-ct-prof-vgrid, yellow-txt-prof-cntr, yellow-txt-prof-fgc, yellow-ct-prof-egc, yellow-ct-prof-egl , yellow-ct-prof-egr, yellow-ct-prof-fgc, yellow-ct-prof-grid, yellow-txt-prof-grid, yellow-txt-prof-lt, yellow-txt-prof-rt, yellow -ct-prof-dgl, yellow-ct-prof-dgr, cyan, cyan-txt-prof-stat, cyan-ct-prof-vgrid, cyan-txt-prof-cntr, cyan-txt-prof-fgc, cyan -ct-prof-egc, cyan-ct-prof-egl, cyan-ct-prof-egr, cyan-ct-prof-fgc, cyan-ct-prof-grid, cyan-txt-prof-grid, cyan-txt -prof-lt, cyan-txt-prof-rt, cyan-ct-prof-dgl, cyan-ct-prof-dgr, blue, blue-txt-prof-stat, blue-ct-prof-vgrid, blue-txt -prof-cntr, blue-txt-prof-fgc, blue-ct-prof-egc, blue-ct-prof-egl, blue-ct-prof-egr, blue-ct-prof-fgc, blue-ct-prof -grid, blue-txt-prof-grid, blue-txt-prof-lt, blue-txt-prof-rt, blue-ct-prof-dgl, blue-ct-prof-dgr, magneta, magneta-txt-prof -stat, magneta-ct-prof-vgrid, magneta-txt-prof-cntr, magneta-txt-prof-fgc, magneta-ct-prof-egc, magneta-ct-prof-egl, magneta-ct-prof-egr , m agneta-ct-prof-fgc, magneta-ct-prof-grid, magneta-txt-prof-grid, magneta-txt-prof-lt, magneta-txt-prof-rt, magneta-ct-prof-dgl, magneta- ct-prof-dgr, children’s games, property of third parties, entry, initial patio, iejardin bolivar, plane:, department, place, province, district, location:, freedom, recuaysito, great chimu, lucma, owner :, project :, code:, distribution, cip :, scale:, professional :, date :, ing. —————, ————, verda, banos, ieantonio, topografico, blanco, blanco-txt-prof-fgc, white- ct-prof-egl, white-ct-prof-egr, white-ct-prof-fgc, white-txt-prof-lt, white-txt-prof-rt, white-ct-prof-dgl, white-ct- prof-dgr, red, red-txt-prof-stat, red-ct-prof-vgrid, red-txt-prof-cntr, red-txt-prof-fgc, red-ct-prof-egc, red-ct- prof-egl, red-ct-prof-egr, red-ct-prof-fgc, red-ct-prof-grid, red-txt-prof-grid, red-txt-prof-lt, red-txt-prof- rt, red-ct-prof-dgl, red-ct-prof-dgr, yellow, yellow-txt-prof-stat, yellow-ct-prof-vgrid, yellow-txt-prof-cntr, yellow-txt-prof- fgc, yellow-ct-prof-egc, yellow-ct-prof-egl, yellow-ct-prof-egr, yellow-ct-prof-fgc, yellow-ct-prof-grid, yellow-txt-prof-grid, yellow-txt-prof-lt, yellow-txt-prof-rt, yellow-ct-prof-dgl, yellow-ct-prof-dgr, vede, vede-txt-prof-stat, vede-ct-prof-vgrid, vede-txt-prof-cntr, vede-txt-prof-fgc, vede-ct-prof-egc, vede-ct-prof-egl, vede-ct-prof-egr, vede-ct-prof-fgc, vede- ct -prof-grid, vede-txt-prof-grid, vede-txt-prof-lt, vede-txt-prof-rt, vede-ct-prof-dgl, vede-ct-prof-dgr, cyan, cyan-txt -prof-fgc, cyan-ct-prof-egl, cyan-ct-prof-egr, cyan-ct-prof-fgc, cyan-txt-prof-lt, cyan-txt-prof-rt, cyan-ct-prof -dgl, cyan-ct-prof-dgr, blue, blue-txt-prof-fgc, blue-ct-prof-egl, blue-ct-prof-egr, blue-ct-prof-fgc, blue-txt-prof -lt, blue-txt-prof-rt, blue-ct-prof-dgl, blue-ct-prof-dgr, main entry, progressive, terrain, physical polygon construction, side, distance, heading, azimuth, vert.,, ab, bc, cd, of, ef, fg, gh, hi, ij, jk, kl, lm, mn, no, op, pa, region, ——– , ——-, ———, ———-, ————– ce nº —- —, ie huachacchal ———, profiles, construction of points, east coordinate, north coordinate, height, description, nm, existing institution of huachacchal, – electricity system: does not have electricity system, – supply of water: it has its own drinking water services, – sewage system: if it has the sewage system, marked on the corner of the sports equipment, – it is assumed as bm one point, note:, water intake, wind direction, drain, level curves, b.m. station, vertex, drain box, water box, boxes,

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots

File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio
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