Upc (Community Police Unit) Facilities DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Plano facilities HVAC and mechanical ventilation a UPC (Community Police Unit); with their details and symbologies.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

CPU, indicated, mechanic, community police unit, draft:, fingering, scale:, date:, municipal seals:, Location:, strategic coordinator, April, contains, project manager technical analysis, ing. fernando egas, Nacional level, security axis coordinator, arq. gabriela imbaquingo, ing.raul espinoza, project leader, ing.patricia viscarra, implementation of the air conditioning system, mechanic ventilation, cms. plus, remove the cover screw to gain access to the terminal board., installation plate, towards drain pipe of the pvc unit., aall, pvc, p. of arq. enrique guerrero hernández, p. of arq. Adriana. romero arguelles., p. of arq. francisco espitia ramos, p. of arq. hugo suarez ramirez, Cafeteria, room, mediation, director, archive, coordination, mediator, mens, women, Useful, low level, meeting room, dinning room, bath, laundry, goes up, rake, Bombs room, emergency exit, office, rack, utilities, utilities, low, capacity people, goes up, capacity people, capacity person, sshh, low, capacity people, goes up, capacity people, capacity person, sshh, Cafeteria, room, mediation, director, archive, coordination, mediator, mens, women, Useful, meeting room, dinning room, bath, laundry, goes up, rake, Bombs room, emergency exit, office, rack, utilities, utilities, low, capacity people, goes up, capacity people, capacity person, sshh, lighting rod, Cafeteria, room, mediation, director, archive, coordination, mediator, mens, women, Useful, low level, meeting room, dinning room, bath, laundry, goes up, rake, Bombs room, emergency exit, office, rack, utilities, utilities, area, total area:, parking lot, parking people with, motorcycle parking, pend, special disabilities, pedestrian access, parking lot, implantation, top floor, comes from, decorative console, comes from, decorative console, comes from, low pass, odor extractor, hab. women, hab. mens, minisplit, multisplit, minisplit, minisplit, minisplit, multisplit, multisplit, minisplit, official, complaints, director, minisplit, multisplit, mediation room, mediator, reception, coordination, decorative console, comes, low bp, comes, low pvc, decorative console, multisplit, List of equipment, minisplit, item, denomination, quantity, refrig., details, minisplit, multisplit, xxxx, extraction fan, multisplit, pipe support detail, gas, rubber packing, copper tubing, variable, anchor slab, variable, platen, liquid, gas, liquid, note: the evaporator drain line will be embedded in a check box., comes from, aall, pvc, decorative interior, downstream pipeline, Exterior, symbology, copper tubing, copper pipe for glp, pressure regulator glp, condensate drain pipe, down payment of aa.ll, extraction fan, low pvc, low from floor, low pvc, minisplit installation detail, false sky, control, line of, suction, line of, cm. high, unity, condenser, basis of, line of, liquid, evaporator, drain embedded in wall, rooftop, slab, duct, false sky, slab, pvc pipe, wall, low, capacity people, his

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
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File Type dwg
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Footprint Area
Building Features A/C, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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