Playgrounds In Kindergarten DWG Block for AutoCAD
It’s a new projekt with tree surounded for kindergarten playgrounds. Equipments on the playgrounds are for children of 2 to 6 years old . Also There you can see trees and bushes add on the whole area.
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Corsican):
Godot, come, line, âúðòåëåæêà ïåïåðóäêà, èãëîëèñòíè õðàñòè :, øèðîêîëèñòíè äúðâåòà :, øèðîêîëèñòíè õðàñòè :, Rosmarinus officinalis, .philadelphus coronarius – .spiraea japonica – .spirae, .weigela hibrida, öâåòß is óâèâíè õðàñòè, èãëîëèñòíè äúðâåòà :, pinsapo, spruce pungens, íîìåð îò äåíäð. âåäîîîîñò áðîé, ëåãåíäà :, ïåðãîëà, âúçëîæèòåë :, ïðîåêòàíò :, îáåêò :, óïðàâèòåë :, òåë :, äàóà :, ôàçà :, òåë :, äàóà :, ôàçà :, àààø. àðõ. òåîäîðà äèìèòðîâà, ïàðêîâî îáçàâåæäàíå, íèêîëàé íéêêîâ, ïëîùîðàçïðåäåëåíèå, áîðåëà åîîä, åëååìååòìåíòè íà òðåâíà ôóãà, êàòåðóøêà
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Other |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Schools |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | Metric |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | autocad, block, children, College, DWG, equipments, kindergarten, library, playground, projekt, school, tree, university, years |