Plat Ilave Collao – Puno DWG Block for AutoCAD
Plat DISTRICT Ilave province of Collao department of Puno
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
relationship of neighborhoods, area, perimeter, centroid, coord. x, coord. and, b. ramon castilla, b. pachacutec, b. chojja pujo santa barbara, b. san martin, b. Tupac Amaru, Santa Rosa neighborhood, b. high alliance chuntaccollo, b. union and hope, b. ferial field san jose, u. san francisco de borja, u. miguel grau de caymahui, u. Our Lady of Carmen, b. future miraflores, neighborhood alasaya, b. cruzani, urbanization lupaca, b. new city, b. the olive trees, u. san juan tepro, b. high alliance – ilave, b. bellavista, b. breezes of the white river, b. jose carlos mariategui ii, b. san sebastian, b. progress, p. b. san miguel, b. new san miguel, barrio pueblo libre, b. santa barbara union, b. new generation santa barbara, b. jose carlos mariategui i, j i r o n m o l l a n d, av. argentina, jirontiwinza, jiron pacifico, avenida heroes de cenepa, food market, avenida angamos, jironlosoliv os, ilave capital of the aymara nation, provincial municipality the collao – ilave, dpto: prov: dist :, puno, the collao, ilave, City of ilave, h. c. q., l e y e n d a, symbol, description, recognized neighborhoods, old neighborhoods, in process of recognition, neighborhood limit, b. ramón castilla, b. chojja pujo santa barbara, b. san martín, b. túpac amaru, b. union and hope, b. ferial field san josé, u. Our Lady of Carmen, b. white river breezes, b. josé carlos mariátegui ii, b. san sebastián, b. santa barbarian union, pje., jr los andes, av copacabana, jr mariano zevallos, jr atahualpa, jr lima, av army, jr josé olaya, pje josé olaya, av america, jr de la union, av republic, jr nicolás de piérola , jr santa ana, jirón san martín, jirón lima, jr manco cápac, jr puno, jr san martín, jr san martín, jr chucuito, jirón andino, jr nicolás de piérola, jr andino, jr sucre, jr mollendo, jr juan alberto accounts, jr ilo, luis, jr josé gálvez, jr bolognesi, avenue del niño, jirón bolívar, jirón josé gálvez, jirón mollendo, manco cápac, av republic, jirón ilo, pje san paulo, passage mollendo, jr conde de lemus, jirón nicolás de piérola, jirón puno, health services, education, community, services, purposes, other purposes, others, pje union, jr san josè, jr collao, av republic, green area, pje santa elena, jr jorge chavez, av circumambulation , jr san salvador, jr union, av argentina, jr jorge chavez, jr cahuide, jr cond e of lemos, pje. miraflores, av copacabana, jr. gardens of peace, jr gardens of peace, jr acora, shred the martyrs, av circumambulation, jr. san francisco, av san f. of borja, jr spain, pje begonia, jr, san pedro, pje the roses, av angamos, jr tiahuanaco, pje heroes of the pacific, av progress, pje. christ king, jr. josé olaya, av. heroes of the cenepa, av. heroes of the cenepa, jr los angeles, san francisco de borja, jiron, jirón los martires, av panamericana, jr new city, jr altiplano, jr laycacota, av atahualpa, jr el sol, jr azangaro, jirón lupaca, jr ricardo palma, jr chojja pujo, av enrique gallegos, passage graú, jr chotta pujo, av enrique gallegos, jirón mariano melgar, jr the lake, atahualpa av, pje. santa rosa, av republica, jr garcilazo de la vega, jr chuntacollo, jr ricardo palm, jr los angeles, pje. r. vargas, jr the martyrs, av puno, jr wateria, av. the republic, jirón el collao, pje sports, avenida jesús, jr ocoña, jr bolognesi, jr arequipa, jr desaguadero, pje rumiñahui, jr sucre, av army, jr zepita, jr rumiñahui, av del niño, pje san bartolomé, jr san bartolomé, jr santa bárbara, av del niño, jr santa bárbara, jr alfonso ugarte, jr independence, jr arica, pje toncco phujo, jr tarapaca, jr alfonso ugarte, pasaje los alamos, pje los alamos, jr revolution, pje pachacutec, jr sta bárbara, jr ramon castilla, jr miguel grau, pje mother of god, passage, jr rosales, jr mother of god, av spring, jr pasco, passage south cone, jr benigno ballón, jr first august, jirón maría auxiliadora, jr amazonas, irrigation canal, jr jerusalen, jr ramón castilla, av panamericana, jr santa rosa, jirón ilave, jr alfonso ugarte, jr ica, jr apurímac, jr loreto, jr huánuco, jr ramón castilla, jr tumbes, jr san antonio, jr san miguel, av jesús, jirón san miguel, j piura, pje. ica, jr lambayeque, jr ayacucho, pje los reyes, jr loreto, jorge, jr ilave, jr ilave, jr tacna, jr liberty, jr cajamarca, jr ramon castilla, pje, jr j. c. mariátegui, pje. pumacahua, the kings, shred independence, av. jesus, jr. j. c. mariátegui, a v e n a l a p a z, j a lacustre, av. the towers, jr candamo, jr. the liberators, jr. proceres of independence, jr. jerusalem, jr. p. of independence, jr los pedregales, jr el maestro, av floral, jr los pinos, entrance road zone lake – ilave, asphalt road to lake area – ilave, local community, high tension av, jr san isidro, jiron rio seco , road to mazocruz, jr first of May, jiron the beach, existing constructions, initial-balsabe, balsabe,
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Handbooks & Manuals |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | Metric |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Garden / Park |
Tags | autocad, block, department, district, DWG, plat, province, puno, wrench |