Base Map Ayacucho – Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD
Plat of the city of Ayacucho in Peru
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
bolivar plaza, refrigerator, park, airport, cemetery, criminal, yanamilla, treatment plant, drinking water, quicapata, stadium, chaquihuaycco creek, road, dump, river huatata, truck trail ayacucho-mollepata, access to the community, huichccana , cuacael de quicapata, cuartel los cabitos, rainwater channel, jr. to. jose de sucre, jr. viewpoints, jr. piscotambo, pisco tambo, imfantilesi games, inc, agriculture, student residence, pagpa, imgantiles games, trees, senati, area of, experimentacion agricola, university city, terminal, terrestrial, leoncio, meadow, city of, cumana, hospital, cáceres , ce. marshal, center, electro, tap, gulch of acco acco, channeling of rainwater, pje. tarapaca, jr. up peru, jr. rasuhuillca, prolongation av. Lima, jr. huanta, psje. forestry, prolongation, av. Lima, jr. cordova, jr. pizarro, av. progress, av. morro de arica, via the liberators, jr. Miraflores, ca. san juan, prolongation av. San Martin, San Martin, CA. san juan, jr. the union, jr. antonio ponce de mayolo, jr. antunez, ponce de mayolo, jr. condorcunca, psj. huanuco, psj. silversmith, jr April 7, psj. tumbes, av. jose carlos mariategui, jr. ica, jr. guamanpoma de ayala, jr. jose maria arguedas, av. the Andes, jr. cesar vallejo, av. Mr. Quinuapata, jr. April seven, jr. ciro alegria, jr. san cristobal, jr. peru, jr. san cristobal, psje. valuable, prol. jr. jet, jr. ucayali, jr. argentina, jr cesar vallejo, jr.nery garcia zarate, jr. bolivar, ca. cumana, jr. pichincha, psje. delta, alameda barcelona, psje. Maracaibo, ca. caracas, ca. tachira, av. venezuela, av. the dahlias, psje. amancaes, jr. the cabuyales, psje. the cactus, psje. congona, ca. Walnuts, ca. the shamans, prolog. av. the andes, ravine dry river, ca. the alcanfores, psje. chilcas, psje. Marmaquilla, ca. the tunales, psje. broom mariscal caceres, jr. huamanga, jr. venezuela, jr. huaytara, jr. jose olaya, jr. berlin, jr. morro de arica, jr. pokra, av. peru, jr pokra, psj. amauta, jr. americo ore, psj. san cristobal, psj. los angeles, jr. Juan Domingo, prol. jr. callao, jr. john sunday grandson, pje. los angeles, psje. amauta, way of avoidance, psje. los weccontos, pedestrian path to ccorihuillca, jr. the union of brothers, alameda los pinos, alameda los pinos, jr. the cactus, jr. the molles, psje. the future, psje the future, psje. the mercedes, av. agustin gamarra, av. nery garcia zarate, av. university, av. the Incas, av. university, jr. maturin, jr. barinas, av. of the sport, jr. October 10, jr. the alders, jr. maracaibo, jr. delta, jr. caracas, jr. ricardo palma, jr. p. flowers, jr. born, psje. tiahuanaco, psje. mochica, psje. pokra, av. great chimu, av. paracas, psje. Coricancha, Av. wari, prol. jr. born, jr. sican, jr. chavin, prolg. psje. mochica, qda. pilacucho, quebrada quinuapata, rio alameda, huayco, psje. javier heraud, jr. jose carlos mariategui, psje. tacna, psje. May two, psje. cesar vallejo, new bridge, river, bridge, psje. union, jr. j. c. m., san sebastian, jr. the tunales, dry ravine, psje. the casuarinas, psje. the roses, jr. the flowers, psje. the palm trees, jr. ccorihuillca, jr. the cypresses, psje. the willows, psje. the pines, jr. the americas, jr. the tunuales, psje. the sunflowers, jr. the carnations, psje. the jasmine, psje. virgin of the candelaria, psje. the pines, jr. the alamos, access road to the reservoir, jr. condorcanqui, alameda jose c. mariategui, psje. Mr. of miracles, alameda guaman poma de ayala, via avoidance, ca. San Miguel, ca. the pines, ca. Watchtower, Ayacucho road – Huanta, ca. progress, prolongation av. the Incas, ca. joy, jr. lieutenant arancibia, ca. freedom, psje. the union, prolongation av. the Incas, ca. Bellido, Ayacucho road – Huanta, ca. garcilazo, prol. jr. freedom, pluvial channel, jr. victor coins, ca. to. gutierrez, ca. panama, ca. spring, ca. Juan, ca. the palm trees, ca. F. Gonzales, ca. sta. rita, ca. Santa Rosa, ca. micaela bastides, ca. Medellin, ca. julia bastides, ca. the brand. the cables, ca. the cabuyales, jr. amancaes, jr. beautiful view, jr. the triumph, jr. Royal road, ca. andamarca, jr. pachacutec, jr. chorrillos, psje the roses, psje the sunflowers, psje the figs, prolongation alameda bolognesi, carranza, jr. raymondi, jr. pumacahua, jr. cahuide, jr. basilio auqui, jr. jet, psje. pichincha, broken channeling of sotocc chaca, amaru, jr. tupac, street to, street c, street b, jr. jose galvez, jr. mariscal caceres, jr. san joaquin, jr. moore, jr. carbajal, jr. Miguel Astete, Jr. grau, psje. inclan, jr. paris, jr. madrid, jr. Mars, jr. mercury, jr. spring, av. los angeles, psje. madrid, jr. santa elena, jr. iguain, jr. bolognesi, jr. the walnuts, av. the palm trees, jr. the olive trees, jr. the pines, jr. parinacochas, jr. versailles, channel for huayco, psje. sta. cecilia, pte. santa cecilia, jr. jupiter, jr. moon, psje. aste
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Handbooks & Manuals |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | Metric |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Garden / Park |
Tags | autocad, ayacucho, base, block, city, DWG, map, PERU, plat |