Flat Concrete Beams DWG Block for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

compression layer, armor cast, external support on flat concrete reinforced beam, alveoplaca forged, with compression layer, section through an open socket, alveo plate, armor of negative moments, filled with concrete of the openings above the length necessary to accommodate the overlapping reinforcement, link armor per current instruction, flat beam, armor cast, compression layer, aavphke, compression layer, armor cast, internal support on flat reinforced concrete beam, alveoplaca forged, with compression layer, section through an open socket, alveo plate, with continuity between stretches, armor of negative moments, filled with concrete of the openings above the length necessary to accommodate the overlapping reinforcement, link armor per current instruction, flat beam, armor cast, compression layer, aavphki, compression layer, armor cast, with continuity between stretches, with compression layer, internal support on flat reinforced concrete beam, filled with concrete of the openings above the length necessary to accommodate the overlapping reinforcement, alveo plate, alveoplaca forged, flat beam, link armor per current instruction, section through an open socket, armor of negative moments, with the alveoli open superiorly in the necessary length to accommodate the armature of negative moments the link armor by lapel, without compression layer, external support on flat concrete reinforced beam, alveo plate, alveoplaca forged, flat beam, link armor per current instruction, section through an open socket, aavphne, compression layer, armor cast, with continuity between stretches, with compression layer, internal support on flat reinforced concrete beam, filled with concrete of the openings above the length necessary to accommodate the overlapping reinforcement, alveo plate, alveoplaca forged, flat beam, link armor per current instruction, section through an open socket, armor of negative moments, with the alveoli open superiorly in the necessary length to accommodate the armature of negative moments the link armor by lapel, with continuity between stretches, without compression layer, internal support on flat reinforced concrete beam, alveo plate, alveoplaca forged, flat beam, link armor per current instruction, section through an open socket, aavphnic

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots

File Type dwg
Materials Concrete
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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