Road System Ayacucho DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Plano road system Ayacucho urban development plan of Ayacucho in force until 2018

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

rio huatatas, legend, projected bridges, existing bridges, central road ring, existing roads, collector roads, articulatory ways – intermediate road ring, existing roads, express road – peripheral road ring, vrae-huancayo, huanta, ocros – cusco, tambillo, andahuaylas – cusco, ica – lima, in process of occupation, sewage treatment plant, in process of occupation, archeological zone, beautiful view, conchopata archaeological zone, graphic, provincial municipality of huamanga, date:, map:, etpdua, dib . :, scale:, urban development plan of the city of Ayacucho, road system, archeological zone cabrapata, archaeological zone the picota, ñahuinpuquio archaeological site, road to cusco, jr. freedom, av. of the army, jr. ciro alegria, via de avoitamiento, bridge of huatatas, jr. atahualpa, jr. independence, av. the casuarinas, jr. j. olaya, jr. jose olaya, av. mariscal castilla, via the liberators, av. democracy, av. Mr. Quinuapata, Alameda Jose c. mariategui, av. independence, from ccochapampa, dump, acuchimay, lookout, neighborhood, a.h., agricultural area, jr. manco capac, jr. sucre, jr. three masks, av. the Andes, jr. luis, jr. the roses, jr. palm trees, jr. loreto, jr. the willows, jr. huancavelica, pata, jr. sanchez carrion, jr laurels, aa. hh., ñahuinpuquio, santa rosa, sofia, keiko, spring, urbanization, fairground, asoc. alvaro quijandria, the chancas, h oyada, los angeles, asoc. engineering, llanamilla, asoc., santa rosa, breezes, casuarinas, asoc. housing, freedom city, zuela huaycco, the winners, freedom hill, school of the police, i stage, pampa of the arch, san melchor, torohuichccana, santa victoria, asoc. javier heraud, santa leonor, asoc. pro. vicienda, integral project, human settlement, c. or. i., of tinajeras, of the fertile plain, garcilazo, olives, ñawinpukllo, military sector, neighborhood of andamarca, populated center, district of puca cruz, lord of quinuapata, congachi, cesar mujica cacho, cumana, city of, progress, neighborhood london, asoc housing, zárate, nery garcia, garden, santa elena, ayacucho, historical center, pio max medina, district of la magdalena, beautiful view, conchopata, young people, artisans, san sebastian, santa ana, peasant community, the pines , freedom, uptown, yuracc yuracc, belen, barrio cuchipampa, barrio pilacucho, barrio santa ana, tupac amaru, nation, bank de la, urb., el calvario, bellido, maria unemployed, magisterial, new hope, taype , fermin azparrent, lusinchi, jaime, sanchez, luis alberto, de porres, san martin, mariscal cáceres, auqui, basilio, cáceres, andrés a., education, sector, quijano mendivil, unsch, public sector, the eden, the graduates, luis carranza, sr. of the pillory, wari accopampa, the laurels, santa teresa, the arch, hope, new, yañez, altamirano, teresita, santa, magdalena, maria, villa esperanza, san felipe, artisan complex, association, sector unsch, jose ortiz vergara, set housing, progr .. housing, Lord of the garden, covadonga, roses, san jose, corpac, san ezequiel, aproviña, association sir, miracles, association porvenir, asoc. owners, miraflores, housing association, warpas, villa los, wari sur, the union, magisterial city, asoc. of owners, bellavista, francisco melendez, san luis, pokras, aprovisa, asoc. totora housing, arequipa, lord of, the pokras, progress district, the mechanics, inti raymi, illa cruz, villa san cristobal, stage ii, stage iii, rosales, sector i, carmen alto, sector ii, sector iii, vista alegre , florida, housing program, peace, a. h., Leon Pampa, Chapelpata, San Juan Bautista, Conchopata hillsides, ruins of Santa Bertha, Nazarenas, Asoc. g. poma de ayala, asoc. san carlos, the victory, reforestation area, reserved area, ministry of agriculture, jr. the arrieros, quebrada, jr. the founders, jr. huascar, path, jr. congratulations lopez, jr. huancapata, jr. chucchupata, road to Lima, huascahura town center, carriageway trail, pampa mollepata, av. acuchimay, jr. pachacutec, jr. basilio auqui, jr. the Andes, jr. Maria stopped by bellido, jr. tinajeras, jr. morochucos, jr. Los Pedregales, Av. huamanga, jr. jorge basadre, psje. ciro alegria, jr. the mercy, jr. ucayali, jr. louisiana, jr. amazonas, av. san francisco, jr. huallaga, av. santa rosa, jr. saposoa, jr. wari, passage, jr. ancash, psje. peru, jr. parinacochas, jr. the sea, jr. agustin zea, jr. lucanas, jr. arica, jr. huamanga, jr. arequipa, jr. moquegua, jr. tacna, av. abancay, jr. s. atahualpa, prólg. nicaragua, jr. the molles, rj. the tunales, jr. the algarobos, jr. the cactus, public recreation area, riparian retreat area, jr. the alamos, pje. ciro alegria, jr. the magnolias, qda. chaquihuaycco, jr. cheerful sight, av venezuela, cuzco av, jr alfonso ugarte, jr. machupichu, jr. the carnations, jr. the cypresses, av. Denmark, Florida Street, Ayacucho Road – Cusco, Jr. the

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio
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