Communes Of Villavicencio DWG Block for AutoCAD

Wide of Villavicencio (Meta, Colombia) containing segmentation of the districts in which the city is divided.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

dumb dump, gallant, charrascal, the darien, the struggle, Ocoa villas, broken link, italian pipe, saman of the river, Monte Carlo, rich beach, roundabout, corner of the hills, super gas, meta gas, king christ reserve area, woods of rosablanca, path of love, spout, clear, waters, gramalote, sandy, spout, black pipes, rio guatiquia, horn, rio ocoa, tiger pipe, spout, large pipe, corn pipe, spout, Ocoa, Juan, Pablo II, new hor., the rosita, doña luz, the gulls, valleys of, Aragon, villas of the, palm grove, villa, humberto, dawn, comuneros, centaur, the mountain range, the cherry trees, the coral, the palmar, the acacias, pink, white, Oriental, sesquicentennial, the sociego, the Vega, White Rose, stage, villa, bolivar, Lyceum, Andean, oh my plain, make your own, Biscay, estero, Catalonia, garden, ariguani, spring, Cantarrana, new, forest, bochica, Cantarrana, vii step, viii step, hope, new, ricaurte, Florida, Marseilles, guatemala, wages, guadalajara, camellias, the, rose bushes, popular, Olympic, villa ortiz, backwater, two thousand, Macarena, retirement, canaima, yellow, caney, breezes, pastrana, s. bolivar, garcia, bohorquez, your name, San Benito, new, maize, square, balata, camoa, villa, Maria, forest, high, seven of, August, the ship, the pines, villa codem, the store, spring, beautiful hill, peppermint, villa, cristina, six of, April, recreation, cedritos, Ceiba, bamboo, the bastille castilla, madrigal, reserved, antonio, ricaute, vanilla, twenty of, July, Jordan, high, alcala, santa, Elena, the florence, the Paradise, future, Holy Ines, San Isidro, saint, Fernando, barrel, high, Saint Joseph, barrel, villa suarez, The meadow, the emporium, the triangle, flow, Oriental, the triumph, flow, western, club, villavicencio, government, center, town hall, hotel, of the, flat, school of, carabineros, old media, Coliseum, julia villa, monument, Christ the King, shell, acoustics, sports Center, icbf, league, Cancer, terminal of, transportation, windmill, half seed, optimum, club goal, windmill, cereals, from the plain, seventh brigade, llanabastos, union of rice from the goal, fedearroz, to live, grinder, bottler, Coca Cola, bottler, gaseous from the plain, telecom, sign, villacentro, beautiful, horizon, decanter, ika, c.a.s.d., park the, plain, new stadium, horizon, san luis hospital, gin, cotton wool, hospital san, antonio, refrigerator the plain, roundabout, the grass, police, national, clear, waters, spout, corn pipe, the ranch, saltpeter city, the delirium, downwoods, marco pinilla, reserve area, villa melida, providence, san fernando, Saint Ana, kirpa, villa, catalan, populated, sling, small pipe, turns, seven, spout, deep pit, pipe ship, ravine, susumuco ravine, villa of the, East, the rochela, villa of the, River, catumare, serramonte, americas, araguaney, villa florez, the rooftop, October, santa, josefa, countryside, the cherry trees, little chap, viceroy, windmill, academy, military, plant, ecopetrol, windmill, annoyance, tanks, aqueduct, e.p.v, Botanical Garden, woods, from Manuel, Alexander, Maria, San Felipe, Saint George, cute flat, The hills, emerald, the meadow, regulatory, club, flat, hill christ king, the relic, guatiquia breezes, law, guayabal, central cemetery, south, East, south, south, East, East, East, East, East, East, bi

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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