Urbanization DWG Block for AutoCAD

Urbanization Complex proposal in the Bolivian Chaco (Villa mountains) in a lot of industrial use. Includes plane location; topographical and final design of the complex with plumbing diagrams and rails profiles

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

general calculation of areas, desription, total, kind, use, area, Urban area, lotizable area, apple trees lots, secession area, equipment, green area, paths, total land area, summary table by apple trees, kind, surface, percentage, Apple tree, lots, residential, sececion, residential, total, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, equip., Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Let’s see., Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, Apple, lot, front, der., left, background, perim., area, technical coordinates utm, point, side, distance, ang. inter., East, north, total, general calculation of areas, desription, total, kind, use, area, Urban area, lotizable area, apple trees lots, secession area, equipment, green area, paths, total land area, summary table by apple trees, kind, perimeter, surface, percentage, Apple tree, residential, sececion, residential, total, general calculation of areas, desription, total, kind, use, area, Urban area, lotizable area, apple trees lots, secession area, equipment, green area, paths, total land area, summary table by apple trees, kind, surface, percentage, Apple tree, lots, residential, sececion, residential, total, variable, variable, under the road, under the road, general calculation of areas, desription, total, kind, use, area, Urban area, lotizable area, apple trees lots, secession area, equipment, green area, paths, total land area, general calculation of areas, desription, total, kind, use, area, Urban area, lotizable area, apple trees lots, secession area, equipment, green area, paths, total land area, street length, Street, width, section, length, Street, partial, total, total, general calculation of areas, desription, total, kind, use, area, Urban area, lotizable area, apple trees lots, secession area, equipment, green area, paths, total land area, street length, Street, width, section, length, Street, partial, total, total, Street number, equipment, of water, maintenance, bathrooms, services, welding, bathrooms, welding, light weight, of fuels, Heavy equipment, of waste, soccer, of pipes, Street number, Street number, character of the project, owner, sheet, surfaces, property owners, professional architect registration, professional civil engineer, topographer professional registration, seal approval hamvm, registration of architects college, dgt approval, seal, udu approval, seal, neighborhood, lot, Apple tree, scale, date, Location, catrastal nomenclature, circ., secc., cod., tails., parc., urbanization petrosur flat of urbanization, total area petrosur: sup. within the urban radius, from December, June, oruro, vacaflor, aguirre, vacaflor, villanueva, aguirre, vacaflor, from December, aguirre, vacaflor, potosi, peace, chuquisaca, potosi, peace, chuquisaca, peace, chuquis

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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