Zoning Map Curico, Chile DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Master Plan Curico

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

port of palds, the girl, the pint, Santa Maria, San Agustin, the north swans, martinez shore, San Ignacio, diego portals, whitewashed white, Meihue Lake, lake penuelas, lake chapo, Puyehue Lake, lake vichuquen, lake all saints, rancho lake, lake villarrica, rupanco lake, lake llanquihue, rinihue, pirihueico, October, Barcelona, monserrat, rosary beads, Saragossa, Valencia, Malaga, Seville, sta. faith, Murcia, sta. faith, picton island, new island, lenox island, av. north bypass, Easter Island, island j. fernandez, naval island, mocha island, quiriquina island, southern islands, arch. Guaitean islands, muffin islands, Land of Fire, victory, its T. Magellan, South Cross, Antarctica, Torres del Paine, copy the, chanaral, Carmen, andacollo, the serene, lime, vallenar, coquimbo, colchane, Calama, white hills, socoroma, chuquicamata, the Prades, from the valley, villa, Saint Cecilia, the Prades, from the valley, Santa Fe, the boldo, the boldo, road tutuquen, victory, mataquito, walks, cariquima, colchane, visviri, d. from almagro, licanten, domeyco, av. south ring, fat sierra, mussels, well almonte, salamanca, maitencillo, toon, covadonga, of May, angamos, uribe, av. Lautaro, illogical, cardonal, mataquito, patacon, quaver, licanten, guaico, sarmiento, pje balm over, dracenas, philodendrons, calas, guloxinias, petunias, jasmine, the mallows, thoughts, hydrangeas, daffodils, lilacs, the alhelies, the roses, the nalcas, the daisies, the clarinets, the poppies, the fresias, the salvias, gladioli, mimosas, primulas, fuchsias, grunts, manzanillo, veronicas, little birds, azaleas, kilicure, ligustrins, flowers, the meadow, the forest, the plain, longay, s. Javier, pelarco, pje, s. rafael, waiter, I did it, chimbarongo, mill, the orchids, villota, av. San Martin, good pastor, merino, Saint Joseph, the olive trees, the belloto, cinnamon, maiten, Venezuela, r. sandoval, Panama, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru, Colombia, Uruguay, lorenzo labra, Miguel Brown, dr. osorio, perez rose, pj., huaquillo, the pines, lemons, pearls, the oaks, mulberry, almond trees, castanos, cedars, mayor, Carmen, membrillar, eusebio lillo, juan terrier, chacabuco, state, argomedo, thanks, prat, montt, av. c. henriquez, yungay, pain, Manuel Rodriguez, av. bdo. higgins, maipu, Carmen, membrillar, chacabuco, stgo. village, Vidal, av. freire, j. F. castillon, jose mello, Osvaldo Martinez, alberto mozo, lucas mellado, bernardo jas, Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Sucre, fco. Miranda, I quit, andres bello, Bogota, Simon Bolivar, ex ffcc licanten, ex sector, firefighter, lot, san fco, Italy, andalien, santa, victory, roundabout, Lautaro, palquibudis, tricot, hurricane, huapi, canon, tilicura, lora, llico, double, balm over, av. alessandri, av. north condell, Patagonia, there are, the trauco, future, maulin, montt, sticks, octay, chilli, av. alessandri, tolten, lock, villa, aysen, pillar, the boldo, room, santa laura, conavicoop, villa, andres bello, villa palestine, villa, the cedars, villa, anakena, huasco, Limari, av. loa, mapocho, here, choapa, rio teno, manuel j. silva, southern longitudinal south route, stgo. clodomiro roses, c. to. singing perez, Spain, marcelino champagnat, av. Spain, catholic, cervantes, h. Magellan, valdivia, bilbao, to usually do, to. vespucio, luis pasteur, the gomeros, camellias, the thorns, Hill, condell, merino, villa mercedes, benedict lion, to. from ercilla, the willows

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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