Plano Sewer Toloche DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Plan details of a sewer toloche

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Huabo, the village, High blood pressure, the village, Soltin, Totoral, stranger, Trapiche, T. Three shots, Km., Caba, Datum elev, yam, Pbase, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Right, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Huabo, the village, High blood pressure, the village, Soltin, Totoral, stranger, Trapiche, T. Three shots, Km., Caba, For communication systems, Vial, Asphalt road, Affirmed road, Carriage way, Horseshoe path, Vehicular bridges, radial, Central stations, Secondary stations, Telephone, Central stations, Of hydraulic structures for irrigation, of distribution, Channels, Bypass channels, orange, Lateral order, Brown, Lateral order, blue, Lateral order, green, Inverted siphons, Breakers, Covered duct, aqueduct, Sewers, Canoes, Transitions, Channel dewatering on another channel, Fast falls, Power dissipators, measurement, Parshall with limnimeter, Flushing gates, Gauging station with limnimeter, Limnological gauging station, Rbc flow meter, of control, Sluice gates, iron, Card type, Worm type, of wood, Rbc, Of sheetless walls, Rectangular dump, Of catchment, permanent, Semi rustic, Rustic, Shredder, For exploitation of groundwater, Open pit without equipment, Tubular well without equipment, Bocatomas, Clean structure, Surface water pumping station, Take level of property, Red, Lateral order, yellow, Lateral order, White, Lateral order, magenta, Pedestrian bridges, the village, Checlefe, Soltin, Totoral, the village, stranger, Caba, Trapiche, Chuchicol, Chaname, T. Three shots, Km., Totoral, Chuchicol, Soltin, of May, Acequia trapiche, Channel soltin, Degree extension, Freedom extension, Alcantara Passage, Santa clara prolongation, bolivar, Sucre, Arequipa, Nicanor carmona, San Martin, three Marias, San Martin, three Marias, Saint Rose, William the flower, Acequia carpenter, Avenue tacna, H. Aurich, Avenue peru, of March, av. Victor wall, Huaca, households, new town, stadium, the Alameda, Huaca, urban zone, stadium, urban zone, Ferrenafe, Property of the institute, Lopez albujar, households, Acequia morales, Ditch the village, Acequia el tutumo, Acequia soltin, Ditch the village, Drain, Acequia trapiche, Channel soltin, Degree extension, Freedom extension, Alcantara Passage, Santa clara prolongation, bolivar, Sucre, Arequipa, Nicanor carmona, San Martin, three Marias, San Martin, three Marias, Saint Rose, William the flower, Acequia carpenter, Avenue tacna, H. Aurich, Avenue peru, of March, The carmen, of March, av. Victor wall, Pool area mi, Md pool area, Home work prolongation bolibar, End work san martin, Pool area mi, Bridge three eyes, Tupac amaru, The carmen, section, section, on land, on land, on land, on land, Ground channel, Will not be executed, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Huabo, the village, High blood pressure, the village, Soltin, Totoral, stranger, Trapiche, T. Three shots, Km., Caba, Datum elev, yam, Pbase, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Right, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Huabo, the village, High blood pressure, the village, Soltin, Totoral, stranger, Trapiche, T. Three shots, Km., Caba, For communication systems, Vial, Asphalt road, Affirmed road, Carriageway, Horseshoe path, Vehicular bridges, radial, Central stations, Secondary stations, Telephone, Central stations, Of hydraulic structures for irrigation, of distribution, Channels, Bypass channels, orange, Lateral order, Brown, Lateral order, blue, Lateral order, green, Inverted siphons, Breakers, Covered duct, aqueduct, Sewers, Canoes, Transitions, Channel dewatering on another channel, Fast falls, Power dissipators, measurement, Parshall with limnimeter, Tipping gates, Gauging station with limnimeter, Limnological gauging station, Rbc flow meter, of control, Sluice gates, iron, Card type, Worm type, of wood, Rbc, Of sheetless walls, Rectangular dump, Of catchment, permanent, Semi rustic, Rustic, Shredder, For exploitation of groundwater, Open pit without equipment, Tubular well without equipment, Bocatomas, Clean structure, Surface water pumping station, Take level of property, Red, Lateral order, yellow, Lateral order, White, Lateral order, magenta, Pedestrian bridges, the village, Checlefe, Soltin, Totoral, the village, stranger, Caba, Trapiche, Chuchicol, Chaname, T. Three shots, Km., Totoral, Chuchicol, Soltin, of May, Acequia trapiche, Channel soltin, Degree extension, Freedom extension, Alcantara Passage, Santa clara prolongation, bolivar, Sucre, Arequipa, Nicanor carmona, San Martin, three Marias, San Martin, three Marias, Saint Rose, William the Blossom, Acequia carpenter, Avenue tacna, H. Aurich, Avenue peru, of March, av. Victor wall, Huaca, households, new town, stadium, the Alameda, Huaca, urban zone, stadium, urban zone, Ferrenafe, Property of the institute, Lopez albujar, households, Acequia morales, Ditch the village, Acequia the tutumo, Acequia soltin, Ditch the village, Drain, Acequia trapiche, Channel soltin, Degree extension, Freedom extension, Alcantara Passage, Santa clara prolongation, bolivar, Sucre, Arequipa, Nicanor carmona, San Martin, three Marias, San Martin, three Marias, Saint Rose, William the Blossom, Acequia carpenter, Avenue tacna, H. Aurich, Avenue peru, of March, The carmen, of March, av. Victor wall, Pool area mi, Md pool area, Home work prolongation bolibar, End work san martin, Pool area mi, Bridge three eyes, Tupac amaru, The carmen, section, section, on land, on land, on land, on land, Ground channel, Will not be executed, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Wood, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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