Aerial Passes In Drinking Rural Water DWG Model for AutoCAD

Model of aerial passes uses in rural drinking water of rain forest communities

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Stirrups m., Dt in, Steel wire boa type with steel core, Round steel, Eyes steel, Specifications, Fc, Columns cm, Foundations cm, Coatings, initial, Location of air passages for pipelines, Pto, Pendulum, Pendola distance horiz. Accumulated pendulum length, Tower foundation, Wire type boa with steel core, Good kind, Wire type boa with steel core, Anchoring chamber, tower, Support device column cable, Stirrups m., Of clamps, Solid steel, Support device, column, Cable on column, Plumbing pipe, Folded pendant, Wire of good type steel, Non-slip accessory, Platinum, Steel clips, Steel clips, Solid steel, Water clamp, platinum, Bolt anchor, Non-slip accessory detail, steel soul, cap screw, column, cable, Wire of good type steel, clamp, Platinum, Pendant of, Fº gº pipe, Bolt of, Pendulum, Nominal of the stand, Ct:, Ct:, final, Anchoring chamber, Latorre foundation, Anchoring chamber, Air pass nº ml. F º uptake, Air pass nº ml. Linea san juan fº, Latorre foundation, Wire type boa with steel core, Good kind, Wire type boa with steel core, Anchoring chamber, Of clamps, Solid steel, Support device, column, Cable on column, Plumbing pipe, Folded pendant, Wire of good type steel, Non-slip accessory, Platinum, Steel clips, Steel clips, Solid steel, Water clamp, platinum, Bolt anchor, Non-slip accessory detail, steel soul, cap screw, column, cable, Wire of good type steel, clamp, Platinum, Pendant of, Bolt of, Pendulum, Nominal of the stand, Ct:, Latorre foundation, Anchoring chamber, Air pass nº ml. Linea san juan fº, Anchoring chamber, Ct:, Stirrups m., Support device column cable, Stirrups m., Ct:, Latorre foundation, Wire type boa with steel core, Good kind, Wire type boa with steel core, Anchoring chamber, Of clamps, Solid steel, Support device, column, Cable on column, Folded pendant, Wire of good type steel, Non-slip accessory, Platinum, Steel clips, Steel clips, Solid steel, Water clamp, platinum, Bolt anchor, Non-slip accessory detail, steel soul, cap screw, column, cable, Wire of good type steel, clamp, Platinum, Pendant of, Bolt of, Pendulum, Nominal of the stand, Ct:, Latorre foundation, Anchoring chamber, Air pass nº ml. Linea san juan fº, Anchoring chamber, Ct:, Support device column cable, Stirrups m., Ct:, Latorre foundation, Wire type boa with steel core, Good kind, Wire type boa with steel core, Anchoring chamber, Of clamps, Solid steel, Support device, column, Cable on column, Folded pendant, Wire of good type steel, Non-slip accessory, Platinum, Steel clips, Steel clips, Solid steel, Water clamp, platinum, Bolt anchor, Non-slip accessory detail, steel soul, cap screw, column, cable, Wire of good type steel, clamp, Platinum, Pendant of, Bolt of, Pendulum, Nominal of the stand, Ct:, Latorre foundation, Anchoring chamber, Air pass nº ml. Linea san juan fº, Ct:, Support device column cable, Stirrups m., Ct:, Anchoring chamber, Latorre foundation, Wire type boa with steel core, Good kind, Wire type boa with steel core, Anchoring chamber, Of clamps, Solid steel, Support device, column, Cable on column, Folded pendant, Wire of good type steel, Non-slip accessory, Platinum, Steel clips, Steel clips, Solid steel, Water clamp, platinum, Bolt anchor, Non-slip accessory detail, steel soul, cap screw, column, cable, Wire of good type steel, clamp, Platinum, Pendant of, Bolt of, Pendulum, Nominal of the stand, Ct:, Latorre foundation, Anchoring chamber, Air pass nº ml. Linea san juan fº, Anchoring chamber, Ct:, Support device column cable, Stirrups m., Ct:, Dt in, Steel wire boa type with steel core, Round steel, Eyes steel, Specifications, Fc, Columns cm, Foundations cm, Coatings, initial, Location of air passages for pipelines, Pto, final, Pendulum, Pendola distance horiz. Accumulated pendulum length, Dt in, Steel wire boa type with steel core, Round steel, Eyes steel, Specifications, Fc, Columns cm, Foundations cm, Coatings, Dt in, Steel wire boa type with steel core, Round steel, Eyes steel, Specifications, Fc, Columns cm, Foundations cm, Coatings, Dt in, Steel wire boa type with steel core, Round steel, Eyes steel, Specifications, Fc, Columns cm, Foundations cm, Coatings, Pendulum, Pendola distance horiz. Accumulated pendulum length, initial, Location of air passages for pipelines, Pto, final, Pendulum, Pendola distance horiz. Accumulated

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Model
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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