Plant Road Project Acoyotitla DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

Rural Road Projec tE;, located in the town of acoyotitla Jalpan Township, Puebla

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

sct, puebla, undersecretary of communications, ing. ismael velazquez d., project :, type :, section :, road :, technical director, review :, head of ofna. of proy. of o., I authorize :, head of the department. its T. and proy., validated project, length :,, date :, no. exp., acoyotitla – san juan, locality: acoyotitla, mpio. of jalpan, pue., rural, calculation:, I lift :, drawing :, arq. pedro hilario gonzalez, ing. baldomero salgado, ing. ismael velazquez diaz, the brigade chief, project speed, review, vo. bo., the head of the department the general manager, concept flat characteristics in this plane unit, crown width, folder width, maximum curvature, governor slope, thickness of sub base plus base, scales, maximum slope, honorable town hall, mpal. from jalpan, pue., way, h. to. m. j., specifications of the project, roads office, the head of the office, origin of the chain: acoyotitla, jalpan, pue., section: acoyotitla – san juan, secretary of communications and transport, sub-section :, observations :, sctep, the representative of the sctep, plant, department of projects, of the state of Puebla, Chaca, Acoyotitla, Cedar, grade, capulin, pipianillo, jonote, huashe, sour, jalpan, nettle, degrade, close up, mufa, bath, equality of chain

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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