Acari Base DWG Block for AutoCAD

Acari – Arequipa – Digitized base of Acari pett

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

beautiful, irrigation ditch, beautiful, channel, channel muncher, drain, irrigation ditch, channel, irrigation ditch, Acari River, irrigation ditch, acari, taking, Acari River, irrigation ditch, Acari River, irrigation ditch, Acari River, irrigation ditch, Water, irrigation ditch, canal mount, Acari River, channel, Acari River, drain, drain by filtration, drain, irrigation ditch, internal ditch, channel, irrigation ditch, side, irrigation ditch, channel, irrigation ditch, drain, irrigation ditch, channel, irrigation ditch, channel, water collector, low lateral canal, channel, irrigation ditch, drain, irrigation ditch, low lateral canal, irrigation ditch, drain, Acari River, irrigation ditch, channel, irrigation ditch, drain, irrigation ditch, drain, irrigation ditch, drain, irrigation ditch, channel path, beautiful, channel sta. teresita, channel, beautiful, irrigation ditch, channel, Acari River, drain, channel, irrigation ditch, Acari River, Water, taking of, old acari canal, channel, shocking channel, channel, mother, channel, Acari River, channel, the mill, channel, channel, acari, River, channel, beautiful, Acari River, shredder, channel, abandoned, channel, acari, River, beautiful union, bocatoma, irrigation ditch, channel, Acari River, amato, irrigation ditch, amato channel, irrigation ditch, Acari River, irrigation ditch, irrigation ditch, irrigation ditch, Acari River, irrigation ditch, acequia sta rosa, Acequia Huarato, irrigation ditch, Acari River, acequia humarote, channel, irrigation ditch, channel, Acari River, taking, irrigation ditch, River, irrigation ditch, Acari River, irrigation ditch, Acari River, irrigation ditch, razed, Acari River, irrigation ditch, ruins, olive oil, Peruvian, industry, machaniðo, bridge, eriazo, White, Hill, sector the mill, highway, district acari, village of acari, eriazo, highway, district bella union, district acari, ruins, beautiful union, district, sector galeras, ruins, district bella union, eriazos, South Pan American, chauvin, populated center, sector chahuina, South Pan American, district bella union, ditch road, razed, chingo sector, razed, ruins, bull Head, ruins, razed, ruins, razed, skin sector, district boundary, ruins, path, highway, razed, tiring sector, ruins, of sand, heifer sector, limit, sector lungumari, vivacious sector, acari road, swamp, eriazo, acari, district, beautiful union, district, highway, swamp, eriazo, path, highway, eriazo, tarmac road, eriazo, path, eriazo, victoria background, eriazo, path, eriazo, huaca, eriazo, path, alley san francisco, district bella union, beautiful village union, main road, beautiful village union, eriazo, alley, path, district boundary, acari, district, Union, beautiful, district, eriazo, ruins, eriazo, chavina road, eriazo, Hill, eriazo, road acari, acari road, road beautiful union, acari, district, shocking sector, bull kills, acari, district, acari, town, main road, path, ruins, old acari sector, eriazo, football, court, bridge, old town acari, acari, old, town, road the mill, internal alley, shocking sector, central alley, shocking, town, farming, Ministry of, owned by, shocking sector, cemetery, pampa white sector, bad road, pampa white sector, hill humanorjo, razed, angoro arenal, Hill, ruins, lucas sector, district acari, lucas street, the mill, town, road huarato, windmill, populated, sector the jewel, eriazo, bridge, huanca, highway, Wall, amato, Hill, amato, sector, razed, huanca, highway, okay, mining plant, razed, okay, Hill, c. p. amato, highway, razed, district acari, razed, acari, highway, sector snapper, huarato sector, alley, eriazo, alley, sector dispenses, razed, c

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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