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Analysis Of Climate DWG Block for AutoCAD

Study of weather and all variables

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Tm tm vv vr pnm pt ll nb, country:, Bolivia, city:, Cochabamba, province:, fenced, zone:, Sud west, latitude:, length:, height:, Precipitation in, jan, feb, sea, apr, may, mon, jul, aug, sep, oct, dec, nov, Annual precipitation, Direction resulting from winds prevailing absolute maximum, Prevailing winter wind, Prevailing summer wind, Maximum monthly temperature:, Monthly minimum temperature:, Average monthly temperature:, Monthly total precipitation:, Mm., Average monthly wind speed:, Monthly wind gusts:, Meaning of data columns, Indicate if hail, maximum temperature, Indicates if there was a storm, Minimum temperature, Flag Inappropriate Content, Average wind speed, Indicates whether there was fog, Speed ​​of maximum wind gusts, Pnm, Sea level atmospheric pressure, Total rainfall, Indicates if there was rain, medium temperature, Site climate analysis, Objectives to know the minimum maximum values ​​of the climatic factors present in our region. Determine the site that meets the best environmental conditions within the site. Achieve the optimization of the environmental conditions of the project., Tiahuanacu, Huascar, to Rome, Raul g.prada art school, to Rome, Tiahuanacu, Huascar, to Rome, Raul g.prada art school, to Rome, Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, Retaining wall, Retaining wall, Retaining wall, Retaining wall, Retaining wall, Santivanez, Santivanez, Santivanez, Santivanez, Santivanez, of September, Juana azurduy de padilla, Avaroa, Suipacha, Tarapaca, Tarapaca, Tumulus, Hamiraya, Junin, I love you, Nataniel aguirre, Esteban Arze, Crnl. Jordan, Huyna kapac, Juana azurduy de padilla, Ladislao cabrera, Pachamama, Tiahuanacu, Crnl. Jordan, Mendez arcos, Mendez arcos, Calama, Crnl. Jordan, Crnl. Jordan, Crnl. Jordan, Crnl. Jordan, Calama, Calama, Calama, Calama, Calama, Ladislao cabrera, Ladislao cabrera, Ladislao cabrera, Ladislao cabrera, Ladislao cabrera, Ladislao cabrera, Nataniel aguirre, Nataniel aguirre, Esteban Arze, Esteban Arze, I love you, I love you, Junin, Junin, Hamiraya, Hamiraya, Tumulus, Tumulus, Nataniel aguirre, Esteban Arze, Esteban Arze, Nataniel aguirre, I love you, Junin, Esteban Arze, Esteban Arze, Tumulus, Huyna kapac, Huyna kapac, Ladislao cabrera, Ollantay, Pachamama, Pachamama, Ollantay, Pachamama, Ollantay, Tiahuanacu, Tiahuanacu, Tiahuanacu, Tiahuanacu, The comuneros, The comuneros, The comuneros, Huascar, Huascar, Huascar, Huascar, Manco kapac, Manco kapac, Manco kapac, Manco kapac, Manco kapac, Manco kapac, of August, of August, of August, of August, to Rome, to Rome, to Rome, to Rome, to Rome, to Rome, Ismael mounts, Punishment, Tarata, Ismael mounts, Punishment, Tarata, Agustin lopez, Esteban Arze, Agustin lopez, Agustin lopez, Nataniel aguirre, Esteban Arze, Juana azurduy de padilla, Juana azurduy de padilla, Juana azurduy de padilla, Hello, Mom, Manco kapac, I like, Tahuantinsuyo, Illimani, Ladislao cabrera, Ladislao cabrera, Suipacha, Uruguay, Uruguay, Hello, Mom, Tahuantisuyo, Tahuantisuyo, Tahuantisuyo, Tahuantisuyo, Tahuantisuyu, Hello, Mom, Hello, Mom, I like, I like, I like, Titicaca, Titicaca, the Incas, the Incas, the Incas, the Incas, The Andes, The Andes, Sajama, Sajama, Sajama, Sajama, Sajama, Sajama, Manco kapac, Manco kapac, to Rome, to Rome, to Rome, to Rome, to Rome, Mururata, Mururata, Illampu, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, Crown, Crown, Crown, Crown, Crown, Crown, Crown, Bartolome guzman, Bartolome guzman, Bartolome guzman, Bartolome guzman, Agustin lopez, Nataniel aguirre, Park, Park, There is no via, There is no via, district, general data, bibliography:, Metar information: slcb, Winter solstice azimut june, Summer solition azimut december, Autumn equinox spring azimut march september, Inclination june, December inclination, Inclination march september, Climatic aspects, Sunning, Winter Solstice, Summer Solstice, equinox, temperature, Rainfall, RH, Winds, Site analysis, references, Prevailing winter wind, Prevailing summer wind, Summer solstice inclination to the south, Equinoxes, Winter solstice inclination north, Objectives to know the minimum maximum values ​​of the climatic factors present in our region. Determine the site that meets the best environmental conditions within the site. Achieve the optimization of the environmental conditions of the project., Site climate analysis, Site climate analysis, Solstice, Description on the summer solstice there is an inclination of the sun to the west. The winter solstice presents an inclination of this. The equinoxes equals a devastation of hrs corresponds to the month of March September. In winter the trajectory is inclin

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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