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Box Bursting Pressure DWG Elevation for AutoCAD

Box bursting pressure – Plant – Elevation

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

New, Ing. Manuel de Jesus Gutierrez, Ing. Leonardo garcia ríos, owner, For the state water commission sanitation, produced by:, According to contract no .:, Of June of the, Leonardo garcia ríos, revised:, Head of the project office., Ing. Mario and Gonzalez hernandez,, Head of the project department, Ing. Lustein villanueva lopez,, Director of studies projects, Steel f’y, Concrete f’c, Integral waterproofing, Flattened with cement mortar, Contact clamp in, Stone masonry, Cement foundation, The slab of, cement mortar, excavation, natural terrain, Tube of fox, arrival, natural terrain, Vars do not. Cm. ace., venting, cement, Flattened, Elbow, Exceedances, Vars do not. Cm. ace., Sheet cover, departure, Tube of fox, entry, plant, cleaning, With tube, Exceedances, departure, Tube of fox, the mayor,, Director of public works, revised:, Prof. Sebastian hernandez alvarez, Arq. Miguel Angel ovando Camacho, I saw jungle, Profile: of the driving line, draft, I raise, Director of public works, the mayor, Rancheria nachij, location:, work:, flat, H. Municipal council, drinking water, municipality:, Chilon, drawing, Scale: date:, region, Name of the plane, State of chiapas, H. Ayto. Mpal., Prof. Sebastian hernandez alvarez, Arq. Miguel Angel ovando Camacho, Work order no., State commission of water sanitation according to, Of date: June, Vertice ingenieria servicios s.a. From cv, produced by:, Ing. Artemio Navarro Escobar, sole administrator, Ing. Spain altamirano, State water commission sanitation, Ing. Jose antonio rodriguez juarez, Head of project office, Head of the apartment Of projects, Director of studies projects, Ing. Juan carlos palacios roe, Ing. Carlos mario rodriguez rincon, work supervisor, elevation, Pressure crushing box, natural terrain, Tube of fox, arrival, natural terrain, Vars do not. Cm. ace., venting, cement, Flattened, Elbow, Exceedances, Vars do not. Cm. ace., Sheet cover, departure, Tube of fox, entry, cleaning, With tube, Exceedances, departure, Tube of fox, plant

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Elevation
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Masonry, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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