Charge Ans Dis Charge Of Fuel DWG Block for AutoCAD

Area of charge and discharge fuel oils at auto services- Tanks and bombs location

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

use the plot-rcp layout tab to plot a reflected ceiling plan., use the work-rcp layout tab to work on ceiling objects., use the plot-sec layout tab to plot sections and elevations., use the work-flr layout tab to work on everything in the building model except ceiling objects., right, plot-sec, front, plan, work-flr, model, plot-rcp, titleblock: none plot scale: fit, work-rcp, sw isometric, work-sec, use the work-sec layout tab to work on sections and elevations., space, use the space layout tab to work on spaces and space boundaries., display configuration: work display set: work_plan zoom scale: all, perspective, to delete this layout, right click on the layout tab and click on delete., use the plot-flr layout tab to plot a floor plan., plot-flr, mass-group, architectural desktop, drawn by:, checked by:, project number:, issued:, filename:, project name, floor plans, —, .dwg, ceiling plans, room, standard, rejilla, vereda perimetral, planta alta, referencias, sector, bomba, portones hierro estructural, bocas de medicion, bocas limpieza, bocas de descarga, camaras decantadoras, bocas paso hombres, p.b y p.a. torre de carga, playa de maniobra, detalle escalon, tanques de combustibles

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other, N/A
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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