College Architectural Design DWG Block for AutoCAD

College Architectural design

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Italian):

magnetic, npt tatata, caminodelincaderecha, callecuarta, losa deportiva existente, cerco existente de ladrillo caravista, puerta, existente, forum existente, profesores, sala de, obe, multifuncional, taller, computation, classroom de, laboratory, library, inicio de, administracion , guardiania, fecha :, cod. proy., escala:, aprob., rev., dib., anrg, revision-observaciones, diseño :, plano :, proyecto :, planta distribucion general, existente a rehabilitar, existente a conservar, leyenda, obra nueva, talud, classroom , direccion, topico, espera, kitchenet, deposit, ingreso, principal, tramo de cerco a demoler, ventana, alfeizar, cuadro de vanos, type, alto, ancho, observaciones, ventana ss.hh., cantidad, asta de, bandera, sh, puerta cubiculos ss.hh., tq. septico, pozo de percolacion, tanque elevado, cisterna y, ventana a reponer en o.b.e., eje de giro, proyecc. losa deportiva, classroom existente, taller multifuncional, hall de profesores, administración, cortes a-a, b-b and c-c, perimeter boundary search, court a-a, court b-b, court c-c

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Other
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio
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