Concepcion – Chile – Map DWG Block for AutoCAD
Plane Concepcion City with streets , rivers and lagoons
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
penco commune, chiguyante commune, bio bio river, Talcahuano commune, Hill, andalien, merino, sabina, tucapel bass, lieutenant, santa, island, the powder, wetlands, station f.f.c.c., partridge feather, hill snail, estero, the ulloas, doodles, estero, nonguen, estero, andalien, vegas nonguen, pop. the, pop. Lautaro, River, lagoon, three pascualas, lagoon, I mend it, lagoon, the custodian, lagoon, I cook it, lagoon, round, Chepe Hill, juan bridge, Pablo II, bridge f.c., bridge llacolen, old Bridge, oliver, avda. round lagoon, anibal pinto, Carlos, paicavi, avda. of May, andalien, cochrane, nonguen, estero, centenary, captain orella, River, avda. collao, the violets, caleuche, the lilies, pje, membrillar, pje, village, avda. collao, pje atacalco, Diego de Oro, the race, gral. new, j. montt, avda. irarrazabal, roosevelt, muds, San Martin, chacabuco, o’higgins, maipú, freire, pje, the race, maipú, freire, muds, o’higgins, path, nonguen, arturo prat, Talcahuano, of May, diego de almagro, the lindens, serrano, rooms, angol, lincoyan, rengo, pedro de valdivia, vicuña mackena, avda. Manuel Rodriguez, university channel, stolen from, mendoza, Alonso Garcia, from ramon, main Street, gral. bonilla, av. andalien, Cantabria, Magellan, jose toribio medina, b. subercaseaux, m. of earth ground, of vascones, father john, av. andalien, mayoral father, balm over, av. principal, Manuel Gutierrez, freeway a. shore, av. the towers, lientur, little bellevista, c. Henriquez, c. hazel, j.m. barbeque, to. cifuentes, coastal, av. Juan de Dios Rivera, army, carriel, Caupolican, anibal pinto, lamas, lap top, castellon, tucapel, orompello, ongolmo, Edmundo Larenas, paicavi, janaqueo, Lautaro, galvarino, ainavillo, lientur, I love you, vilumilla, freesia, priet, orompello, av. San Andres, beautiful view, priet, rengo, Caupolican, lap top, castellon, tucapel, anibal pinto, montriou, m. gutierrez, cross, bulnes, roses, bulnes, roses, cross, the heroes, sanders, the, vegas, Victory, sta. she wore, lamas, bahamondez, admiral, riveros, m. shell, avda. English, mahuzier, avda. german, av. juan pablo ii, freeway, quarry, giacaman, Chepe Hill, Talcahuano commune, oliver, avda. round lagoon, anibal pinto, Carlos, av. juan pablo ii, doodles, estero, avda. of May, Park, Ecuador, of conception, college, of bio bio, stadium, regional, penco commune, Hill, andalien, merino, sabina, lieutenant, santa, island, the powder, partridge feather, hill snail, nonguen, estero, andalien, vegas nonguen, pop. the, pop. Lautaro, andalien, cochrane, nonguen, estero, bio bio river, tucapel bass, wetlands, station f.f.c.c., chiguyante commune, quarry, giacaman, estero, the ulloas, paicavi, River, centenary, captain orella, av. juan pablo ii, avda. irarrazabal, avda. collao, gral. new, j. montt, old Bridge, Pablo II, juan bridge, bridge f.c., bridge llacolen, avda. collao, the violets, caleuche, the lilies, pje, membrillar, pje, village, pje atacalco, Diego de Oro, the race, arturo prat, round, lagoon, diego de almagro, muds, San Martin, chacabuco, o’higgins, maipú, freire, path, nonguen, roosevelt, the race, maipú, freire, muds, o’higgins, lagoon, three pascualas, lagoon, I cust
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | City Plans |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park |
Tags | autocad, beabsicht, block, borough level, chile, city, concepcion, DWG, lagoons, map, plane, political map, politische landkarte, proposed urban, rivers, road design, stadtplanung, straßenplanung, streets, urban design, urban plan, zoning |