Cultural Center DWG Section for AutoCAD

Cultural within 3 levels – Plant – sections – details – dimensions – specifications

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Catalan):

lime huiracocha, lime pachacutec, cal. atahualpa, cal. condorcanqui, cal. c. yupanqui, jr. huascar, jr., saturno, jupi, ter, urano, cal. the stars, jr. neptune, av. newton, av. manco capac, cal. apolo xi, cal. the moon, av, glo, terra, queo, lime. yahuar huaca, may, capac, jr ,, sinchi rock, cal., inca, ripac, cal. yupanqui loo, lime farfan l., cal. j. s. atahualpa, cal. antonio cabo, cal. the pumayal, cal. Catarius takings, av. m capac, cal. miguel suricanchi, panamericana norte, ca. fc.bolognesi, angelica gamarra, factory of batteries, square norte, lamina :, scale :, district :, province :, department :, date :, san martin de porres, lima, lamina nº :, theme :, cultutal center, location :, teacher :, arq. gustavo alejos villaruel, arq. fernando diez garrido, workshop, projects, multipurpose room, cafeteria, administration, reception, bookstore, library, music workshop, dance workshop, shop, painting workshop, craft workshop, bar area, kitchen, store, area washing room, changing room, auditorium, stage, concrete floor, patio

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Other
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio
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