Hospital Perinatal DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

Hospital Perinatal Project, dedicated to pregnancy care, mother care, service spaces, consulting, hospitalization for the mother before and after delivery. – Plants – dimensions – specification

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

dining service, preparation of vegetables, preparation of meat, cooking, washing pots, washing dishes reception, service area, cleaning, ss.hh, grocer, dietician, daily store, dairy, camera vegetables, camera meats, antechamber, laundry area , area of ​​spinning and drying, ironing area, folding, chief office, sewing area, reception and selection, clean clothes deposit, women’s dressing room, quartermaster, clock, men’s dressing room, waiting room, office, guard, sanit., urgencies, access, gynecological, clinic, control, central, nursing, observation, pregnant, nurses, ramp, work, rec. born, attention in, labor, tocology, gray circulation, toilet, admission and, area of ​​stretchers, wheelchairs, patients, gynecological, septic room, obstetric, topical, triage, admission control, central nurses, emergency, tank diesel, machine house, tank, water, ambulance, and services, projection of facilities, surveillance, waste, hazardous, reception of garbage, crematorium, head and supervision, head of personnel, accounting office, waiting room, secretary, epidemiology , file, reports table of parts, social service, internal control, statistics, logistics, hall, dental office, obstetric gynecology clinic, pediatrics office, medicine office, topical, file, histories, clinics, box, admission, triage, ss .hh, dump, waiting, corridor, x-ray, clean, recovery, white circulation, circulation, cl., toilet, reception and control, labor, resuscitation, birth, expulsion room, showers, see tidores, obstetrices station, septic, deposit of materials and equipment, recovery, minor surgery room, prewash, dirty laundry, headquarter, delivery sterile material, instrumental wash, sterile material storage, assembly, dirty, sterilization, vestibule, clean material, reception and classification, septic, men, bathroom, women,,, surgery, dressing room, recovery room, nurses work, be doctors, intensive care room, nurses post, intensive care unit, equipment, doctor, ss.hh ward, store equipment, reports, dental office, adolescents office, high risk pregnancy office, prenatal clinic, postnatal clinic, neonatology clinic, menopause climacteric office, breast aspiration function, breast pathology, colposcopy, cryosurgery , admission reports, file clinical histories, public waiting, be, aspiration aspiration breast, oncology, be nurses, exam room, consult external, wait, nurses, heads paramedicos, computer center, parts table, medical body, toilet, dressing room and ss.hh, x-ray, darkroom, tomography, interpretation, file plates, deposit, bacteriology laboratory, laboratory microbiology, laboratory hematology, blood bank laboratory, biochemical laboratory, hall, blood bank, medical office, fourth clean material, fourth dirty material, cubicles, stretchers, anesthesiology, reception area, dressing ss.hh, recption and control, deposit of sterile material, general deposit, area of ​​stretchers, emergency kit, surgical center, address, meeting room, infrastructure planning, treasury, public relations, legal advice, deposit acquisition of supplies, inspector, services, cauldrons, laboratory of pathologist, parts , office of the pathologist, delivery, autopsy room, preparation room, refrigeration, hallway, food reception, warehouse generates l, washing dishes, utensils deposit, unloading, staff canteen, cleaning deposit, tool deposit, soap, chlorine and starch deposit, wheelchair, pharmacy, laboratory, newborn care, dormitories, clean clothes deposit, dirty laundry deposit, dangerous substances deposit, puerperium rooms, neonattology rooms, nurses work, rooms, puerperium, neonattologia, work, nurses, gynecology, area and stretchers, ss.hh ladies, ss.hh men, station nurses, admission, mortuary, check-up clock, maid’s quarters, men’s walk-in closet, women’s dressing room, unloading platform, desserts preparation, weighing, diets, kitchen, cafetin, emergency headquarters, guardian, emergency unit, soap tank, chlorine and, starch, office, head, reception, and selection, laundry, ertar doctors, npt, classroom, maternity, booth, blood bank, blood collection, examination, locker room, radiologist, development, archive of plac as, registration, head of nurses, cafeteria, kitchen, terrace, clothes, clean, props, dirty, day room, food forklift, forklift supplies, heliport, deposit, sshh, forklift, laboratory bactereologia and microbiology, intensive care unit, Diagnostic support unit, library, multipurpose room, first level

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Plastic, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio
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