Huaraz – Ancash – Plane DWG Block for AutoCAD




HUARAZ – ANCASH – Peru – Plane

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

eps chavin, rio monterrey, ramp start, green area, green area, kids’ games, musical, amphitheater, green area, rio monterrey, rocrocucrure creek, broken arizanja, qda. pariah keel, qda. purush ruri, qda. pucaventana, qda. otzco wain, qda. ashinu wishca, qda., ashnu, wishca, broken shuro, ishan broken, broken rachu, broken jucuna jirca, qda. parapu, qda. quinchup, qda. paddock, qda. huapish, q. I’m so hot, q. tolclazanja, q. anas huain ii, q. huacapucru, q. anas huain, what’s up?, q. callpa ruri, q. putaca ruri, cancariac canyon, rio racrac, dry river, the looker, waters, thermal, some, school, national, simon, bolivar, church, inst., marello, m.d.i., Institute, higher, pedagogical, school, national, jorge basadre, grohman, school, particular, parochial, n.s.s.c.j., c.p.p., n.s.s.c.j., c.e.p., albert, einstein, clinic, Saint Paul, jumble sale, nichooampa, National College, marshal, toribio de luzuriaga, slab, clinic, stadium, school, cemetery, green area, of the viewpoint, slab, sporty, Red Cross, state, colonel, bolognesi, mining, holy toribio, Virgin, of the, Mercedes, acovichay, cisea, palmira, slab, center, EC. from Monterrey, hidrandine, inrena, convent, concentrating plant, of minerals, patay, school, San Agustin, fairground, uladech, school, bolivar, school, national, simon, bolivar, records, public, charity, publish, cisea, nichooampa, parish, some, i.s.t., and. guzman barron, from shancayan, Santa Teresa, doctor, Joseph, hotel, they huff, centenary, reg., public, convent, church, phu, pnp, school, national, wise antonio, raymondi, school, national, simon, bolivar, Institute, higher, pedagogical, school, national, jorge basadre, grohman, school, particular, parochial, n.s.s.c.j., c.p.p., n.s.s.c.j., national, simon, c.e.p., albert, einstein, clinic, Saint Paul, ministry of fisheries, square, independence, park the, field dep., love, Park, great p, Park, garden, pq. great, Park, Virgin, margaritas, thoughts, Park, park the, fuchsias, slab, miraflores, chavin, nichooampa, the Carnation, the, small square, great chavin, flowers, Rose of, the jasmine, San Martin, from porres, Park, recreation area, the looker, small square, the miracle, plz. Virgin, plzla, the gardens, recreation area, field dep., slab, slab, villa los milagros, Park, holy plz, from Monterrey, virgin plz, San Martin, palmira, monterrey, Katherine, Rosary, virgin of, rosary beads, sporty, America, rose bushes, from porres, vichay, sarita, colony, Park, The Andes, Park, a.b. leguia, Park, slab, of the door, urb. San Miguel, Deposit, stadium, government, regional, government, regional, Park, sport, hospital, Victor, branches, guard, school, national, of the, freedom, school, national, Saint Rose, from viterbo, cemetery, presbyter, villon, school, faith joy, faculty of, some, civil Engineering, ministry, transport, communications, center, educational, initial, some, f.c.e.a.c., center, educational, special, school, Pedro, school, Immaculate, garden, school, national, loneliness, childish, loneliness, convent, san antonio, center, educational, initial, Maria belenita, some, senati, government, provincial, from huaraz, i.n.c., ancash, g.p.h., e.s.a.a., ministry of, work, promotion, of employment, church, from san, Francisco, congregation, church, loneliness, of the, of mothers, franciscanas, ministry, farming, morgue, church

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 29, 2017

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