Kitchen 3D DWG Model for AutoCAD

3d Kitchen – Applied Materials

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

light gray, light, very dark, reddish or, red, light oran, very light, light red, yellowish, strong ora, dark gray, black, light, gray, medium blu, medium, light blue, medium, dark blue, light, medium, light gra, light gra, light gra, light gra, light str, very dark, very dark, very dark, white, light gra, light str, light gra, light str, light gra, light str, white, gray, light str, light gra, light str, light gra, light str, light gra, light str, light str, light stro, light stro, xobj light gray, xobj medium gra, xobj grayish ye, xobj strong blu, xobj medium, xobj light, xobj strong red, xobj light, xobj red, xobj white, xobj blue, vs matte, vs matte, vs matte, vs glossy, vs matte, dirt medium str, leaf medium gre, leaf medium blu, pottedplant lig, bread side, vs matte, vs matte, vs matte, vs matte, white, red, yellow, black, budvase smooth, ver, medi, medi, door medium ora, door light yell, medium, light ye, plane orangish, orangis, orangi, orangi, orangi, orangi, orangi, orangi, orangi, orangi, orangis, orangis, orangis, orangis, orangis, orangis, orangis, orangis, ver, lightbulb, lampshade, lampcord, calliper very, calliper, chromebumpers, underside, tailights, tires, rims, windows, grillblack, grillchromesmoo, grillchrome, rightdoormap, hood, leftdoormap, camerobod, headlightreflec, headlightlamp, headlightglass, light gr, dark gre, dark gre, dark gre, greenish, dark gre, light gr, dark gre, light gr, mediu, terrain medium, mediu, vs matte, vs matte tr, vs matte, black, moderate, bridge light gr, church light gr, church light st, church light mo, church, church, church, church light, frontgate light, gard light stro, gard light mode, gard light, gard light gray, light st, light, light, light gr, medium, light, hall light stro, hall light, hall light gray, hall moderate, hall light mode, incurt light gr, intowr light st, intowr light gr, kings light gra, kings light str, kings light, maintwr light, maintwr, maintwr, maintwr light, ocurt light gra, owtowr light st, owtowr light gr, prior medium mo, prior medium gr, prior light gra, serves light st, serves light gr, stalls light st, stalls light, stalls light gr, well light stro, well light gray, cat.bgeo white, catscan smooth, catscan shiny, catscan, catscan, catscan, bigball, smtube, longtube, smball, bell, chasis

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Model
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Glass, Plastic, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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