Laguna Facultavias DWG Block for AutoCAD

Plane facultative lagoons for wastewater treatment

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Isometric lagoon, Input structure, Output structure, C.n.f., Clean valve, Perimeter fence wire fence, Detail of columns fence of protection of lagoon of oxidation., Concrete mix, scale:, Oxidation pond cut details, Conclusion of desague alto miraflores los pinos, Provincial municipality of huancane, Huancane huancane, design:, designer:, flat:, draft:, drawing:, approved:, place:, sheet, district:, province:, Apartment, date:, November, Indicated, your B. cleaning, Esc., Cut elevation, C.n.f., C.n.f., cut, cut, Exit detail system, Prevents the passage, of material, Wooden screen, Niv background, Niv Water, floating, Baffle, Wooden baffle, your B. cleaning, Overflow, trough, cleaning, When it is not time, Clay erosion, Cm. To avoid, Mortar layer, treated wood, clay, filler, Camera of bars, To see of size of entrance, arrival of, Pipe to the river, Income quota, Exit border, Ball valve, Cota tub., metal lid, See departure detail, Wastewater level, Entrance tube, dump, Sale tub. Of water evacuation, cut, Niv Water, steel, concrete, Fc, Hand anti-corrosion paint, Hands zinc coating, Landfill triang. steel, Until the supernatant is drained, In cleaning season, Wooden screen, Metal, wood, Clay padding, your B. cleaning, Detail clean valve, Fc, concrete, steel, Detail entry system, plant, Metal cover of mts., Mortar, Metal cover of mts., Mortar, Inlet valve, Exit detail system, dump, Mortar layer, Cm. To avoid, Clay erosion, When it is not time, cleaning, trough, Overflow, Baffle, floating, Niv Water, Niv background, Wooden screen, of material, Prevents the passage, cut, filler, clay, treated wood, Wooden baffle, steel, concrete, Fc, Metal, Wooden screen, In cleaning season, Until the supernatant is drained, Landfill triang. steel, Hands zinc coating, Hand anti-corrosion paint, Fc, concrete, steel, Niv Water, cut, Sale tub. Of water evacuation, your B. cleaning, Clay padding, wood, Mortar, Metal cover of mts., Detail clean valve, your B. cleaning, Input structure, Output structure, C.n.f., Clean valve, Perimeter fence wire fence, Clean pipe to the river, River

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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