Land Use Map Chanchamayo, Chancamato, Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD

This 2012 map shows road markings, farms and enclosures in Chanchamayo District, Province of Chanchamato

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

green area, concrete wall, stone wall, avenue peru, green areas, stone wall, san ramon, bridge, avenue peru, pje san agustin, street daniel a. Oak trees, street manassas fernandez, senior institute of technology, university campus alcides, university street, av. bypass, avenue the pioneers, coselva cooperativa central jungle, avenue daniel alcides carrion, general hospital la, not opened, avenue fray dionisio ortiz, jiron jose santo chocano, without maintenance without full opening, avenue ricardo palma, Sor albina street, av. merry christmas, Park, angelini, jr chabuca granda, jiron los, tulips, avenue julio ramon ribeyro, newly paved, food industrialization s.a. indalsa, avenue cesar vallejo, street jose carlos mariategui, street flowers, newly paved, gladiolus street, jiron the margaritas, street the carnations, street the orchids, av. child jesus of prague, other purposes, Municipal stadium, jiron the precursors, jiron jose vega jauregui, the tamarinds, Street, the olive trees, los jazmines street, malecon garou left bank, street the ferns, jiron the precursors, jiron the tangerines, avenue, Manuel, to. pinto, street the papayas, jiron los, pallets, it’s health, jose carlos mareategui park, EC. tupac amaru, jiron los tangelos, jiron the tangerines, I washed the grapefruit, calle las maracuyas, general cemetery, jiron jose de aguirre zabal, avenue manuel, to. pinto, jiron the carambolas, street los zapotes, pass the coconuts, passage the anonas, jiron the guanabanas, avenue la rivera, jiron the guavas, I used the caimitos, the mangoes, avenue la rivera, orange trees, lemon lime street, pje lime limon, the catfish, I pity the zungarians, malecon rio toro, jiron the paiches, the carachamas, social resettlement center chanchamayo, street corvinas, carlos stadium a. peschiera, jiron los barbones, calle las anchovetas, I love the merets, I used the palometas, Mall, royal bus, prolongation tarma, Park, pje san marcos, pia shia shia, jiron leopoldo salcedo, salcedo sports complex, jiron shia shia, jiron las chavelitas, royal jasmine, jiron the dahlias, jiron the camellias, tarma, pje the crotos, pje the palm hearts, malecon arica, passage san juan, holy passage teresa, pje santa rita, San Miguel, saint, I left the oconal, pje santa ines, pje san lucas, jiron abelardo quiñones, pje santo toribio, park jose abelardo quiñones, pje oak yellow, jiron the platanales, jiron the mangoes, the coconuts, jiron the guavas, huamanchilca passage, huayracaspi passage, pje quinine, pje lupuna, jiron the lilies, the, Street, I wear them, tulips, the, gard, ants, pass the, shred, psj the water, malecon rio garou rio chanchamayo, jiron the piñales, pumaquiro, pje huayruro, pje carahuasca, pje colonists, founders, pje chonta, I used the eucalyptus, jiron the sunflowers, jiron javier heraud, polytechnic state college, calle las crosandras, sarita colony, July ramon ribeyro, child jesus of prague, I love the tamarinds, vigo pje, colombo, urb. san antonio, Maria Pia, colombo, Street, Ministry of Education, Park, of vigo, Street, jiron independence, jiron irene felpini, Park, education, jiron francisco, avenue, bypass, board of buyers soto mayor, avenue, Italy

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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