Location Caserio Olmos DWG Block for AutoCAD

Map location of the 96 district caserio Olmos; province and region of Lambayeque

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

apartment: lambayeque, proves lambayeque, dist: elms, population is hab., number of dwellings:, round, mountain tip, santa nilda, sincape, three batanes, passing sawmill, to pass, sequion, pipeline, southern passage, senquelito, father’s vega, the Viceroy, the colorado, tunape, the bowls, the pilca, the lock, ed oberal, the lemon, Guayaquil, trapiche, Juliana, imperial, garbanzal, trapiche, the little town, the hope, teodor, senile, mocape, failure, the Paradise, progress, listen, chapel of ñaupe, sandpen, I kid you, big mouth, the hill, the beach, cascajal, Omarasal, panala, it hurts, nichipo, bridge, cross of, mine, the sanches, noria, girl, big hot, cholope, canasta, the orchilla, cutie, sondor, the wonder, the politos, the pampas of chiconas, cotton, the crossing, tinajones, lambayeque, high roque, poison rods, Bread of sugar, santa clara, the dead, the dune, piura, to shake, high from roque, hill of sand, the pools, the lock, Alicia, the lime, long lagoon, big angler, little boy, ficuar, laucha, the hope, San Cristobal, north passage, Union, Holy water, santa jesus, elms, the puquio, the stay, the bridge, racali, lion’s hand, the pampas, I wanna, future, hualtacal, progress, white ravine, the central chapel, Saint Rose, cracked earth, inscriptions, senile, mouth small, tablanco, ñaupe, the anime, big, the hope, girl, cascajal, trapiche, hill of sand, cutie, the wonder, the dead, motupe, district of, the colorado, high roque, the politos, the lock, high from roque, the pools, canasta, sondor, ficuar, to shake, Bread of sugar, canasta, poison rods, cholope, big hot, little boy, noria, the sanches, tinajones, the lemon, Guayaquil, imperial, I kid you, big mouth, the posts, the puquio, district of, jayanca, santa clara, pinabar, the orchilla, the dune, Holy water, tunape, elms, panala, it hurts, nichipo, mine, the beach, mountain tip, the hill, ed oberal, the pilca, the bowls, Juliana, the crossing, garbanzal, the lock, number of dwellings:, dist: elms, proves lambayeque, apartment: lambayeque, population is hab., chapel of ñaupe, future, hualtacal, long lagoon, Saint Rose, bridge, cross of, the bridge, the thistle, sandpen, I wanna, the central chapel, the gourd, Guayaquil, father’s vega, Saint Rose, the hope, big angler, round, piura, pumpkin, huacrupe, San Cristobal, southern passage, north passage, to vain, laucha, Omarasal, San Cristobal, boy, the lime, cracked earth, progress, listen, the victory, white ravine, round, ñaupe, the anime, the Viceroy, trapiche, lemon, tablanco, senquelito, senile, three batanes, the pampas of chiconas, lion’s hand, Alicia, pipeline, santa jesus, the stay, passing sawmill, sequion, alley, cascajal, the pampas, Union, to pass, mouth small, the virgin, teodor, mocape, senile, failure, inscriptions, cotton, racali, santa nilda, the little town, sincape, the Paradise, progress

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot
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