Manabi And Line Trifacica DWG Block for AutoCAD

Manabi and line the inside trifacica Topografico parish; Coordinates;

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

for the Manabites, emelmanabi, current track: sea, kph, current track: sea, salango, emeralds, sto. Sunday, Pacific Ocean, silver island, province of manabi, guayas, st. Helen, the rivers, in coordinates, puerto lopez, blanket, montecristi, panama, pajan, olmedo, of May, Saint Ana, portoviejo, strong rock, jaramijó, junin, bolivar, pichincha, flavio alfaro, chone, san vicente, Sucre, flints, jama, the water, San Isidro, the carmen, designed:, drawn:, ing. gheorgi arteaga, regional manabi, national electricity corporation, contains:, public lighting network, parish of picoaza canton portoviejo, black sector, manabi regional national electricity corporation, indicated, scale:, sheet:, draft:, ing. Manuel Barberan, do not. subscribers:, existing:, new:, not work., projected air tensile, line of a.t. projected, existing transformer, line of a.t. existing, projected transformer, Projector headlight tensioner, projected earth tensor, b.t line projected, b.t line existing, luminaire w. projected, luminaire w. existing, h.a. post projected, h.a. post of existing, symbology, work order, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, user waypoint, net, symbol name, unknown, urbanization, terra nostra, motorway manabi guillem, manabi guillem, crossword, portoviejo, cdla. municipal, draft, Location, zolanda cevallos, Hugo Menendez, jacinta alvarado, maxu, Oscar Diaz, building, complex, National Police, sports, Oscar Diaz, subscriber list, Mr., zolanda cevallos, maxu, hugo hernandez, jacinta alvarado, Anibal Velez, Anibal Velez, coordinates, tanya thrash, subscriber list, aida castro, constant pink, daisy castro, ricardo espinales, rolling castro, Manuel Cantos, angel castro, coordinates, nelly castro, flints, the decks, draft, dry village, new Port, monkey, chibunga, the carmen, flavio alfaro, the Union, San Juan, for the field, for citadels, downtown tosagua, bay, chone, strong rock, tambo, draft, Pedro Espinoza, livid medranda mts, pedro cedeño, walter paragraph, fabian cedeño, carlos julio arrosemena school, designed:, drawn:, ing. gheorgi arteaga, regional manabi, national electricity corporation, contains:, web line building site, parish san isidro canton sucre, rio mariano up, manabi regional national electricity corporation, indicated, scale:, sheet:, draft:, ing. daniel zambrano, do not. subscribers:, existing:, new:, project no., projected air tensile, line of a.t. projected, existing transformer, line of a.t. existing, projected transformer, Projector headlight tensioner, proy earth tensor

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot
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