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Map Tegucigalpa And Comayaguela, Honduras DWG Block for AutoCAD

Capital city of Tegucigalpa and its sister city, Comayaguela, Francisco Morazan Province, Honduras, in autocad file.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

big hill, colony, big hill, goes, west america center, colony, the reed, colony, cologne, colony, overcoming, colony, rye colony, north breezes, colony, jose angel ulloa, colony, Arnulfo Cantarero Lopez, colony, the lolo, stony ground, zone, stony ground, zone, sheet, sheet, series, series, edition, edition, Wall, zone, neighborhood, colony, neighborhood, colony, colony, colony, neighborhood, colony, tamara, pomegranate, colony, walls, Wall, olancho, highway, colony, neighborhood the, neighborhood, colony, neighborhood, colony, neighborhood, colony, neighborhood, colony, residential, colony, residential, colony, colony, neighborhood, jose a duarte, colony, paradise, divine, cemetery, peripheral, ring, armed, forces, of the, boulevard, santa, boulevard, big, ravine, avenue cabanas, avenue, adenida, avenue, obelisk, bird., sipile, cemetery, general, cemetery, avenue, avenue, avenue, avenue, avenue, avenue, avenue, avenue, avenue, Street, Wall, zone, miramesi, neighborhood, cologne, colony, the reed does not, colony, neighborhood, colony, of paradise, high colony, the reed does not, future, colony, the tantrum, Hill, you girls, colony, May not, olancho breezes, colony, northern sapote, colony, armed forces, colony, glen, colony, sky field, colony, the flower does not, colony, the flower, colony, villa union, colony, big hill, colony, zone, big hill, colony, peace, colony polycarp, colony the rosary, the lagoon, colony, villa franca, colony, the reed, mts, Wall, Wall, Wall, cb, sand, Wall, Wall, olancho, highway, goes, honeycomb, Hill, i close the flowers, I closed the cigarette, sector, Honduras, Wall, peripheral, ring, cb, north, of the, highway, united forces, colony, the slope, staked, i closed the, hard mud, Saint Elizabeth, colony, her cleaver, good view, rincon chiquito, Hill, the stony ground, Tegucigalpa, quarry, in construction, north, of the, highway, vb, Wall, ballast, cb, hundred, pool, CD, zuntule km., km., the zamorano, km., the montanita, of September, colony, the zarsal, fresh mote, residential, university meadows, colony, the Alps, colony, the mills, colony, loarque viewpoint, colony, rio grande sur, colony, Rio Grande, colony, loarque gardens, colony, bernaldo dazzi, colony, the palms, colony, Saint Elizabeth, colony, moterrey, colony, San Isidro, colony, colony, hills of sinai, popular, colony, colony, san jose de la pena, farmhouse breezes, colony, rivera de la vega, colony, colony, montelimar, residential, san angel, florence south, colony, three ways, colony, Las Vegas, residential, beautiful north lodge, residential, beautiful hill, residential, residential, colony, miracles, colony, fat woman, stones, Hill, observatory, sector, sheet, series, edition, nad, Honduras, Tegucigalpa, goes, v.b., goes, hills high, residential, Rome, residential, the little farm, residential, vb, goes, vb, goes, cemetery, goes, v.b., goes, vb, Wall, cut, France, boulevard, Wall, The meadow, colony, loarque south gardens, colony, new loarque, colony, satelite, colony, Wall, CD, Wall, CD, Wall, CD, CD, Wall, CD, Wall, CD, Wall, CD, CD, CD, CD, CD, CD, Wall, CD, CD, Wall, CD, old villa village, the turn of the rosquete, the bell, victor f. ardon, colony, residential, Honduras, cool hill, residential, the pines, colony, breezes, colony, rapacious, industrial park, solidarity the tinsel, housing coperative, lomas de jacaleap

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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