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Metallic Roof DWG Block for AutoCAD

Metal roof

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

antonio blanco blasco engineers e.i.r.l., drawn, civil engineer c.i.p., antonio blanco blasco, design, scale, revisions, signature stamp, flat, draft, josé antonio terry maritza ramos ricardo rosario moscoso, nnn, X and Z, draft, date, month ab, antonio blanco jesús solano josé antonio chávez andrés aranda, formwork floor, sheet, the outer red frame, he must be from, colors, note, scale, inkjet plotter, plot to fill, bracing of joists, of machines, solid slab, of machines, solid slab, tank bottom, solid slab, tank roof, solid slab, cut, level, cut, level, lightened, beam, beam, beam, inv., inv., beam, inv., pending, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, anchor on plate, with hook, anchor on plate, with hook, cut, cut, to fill in, concrete, anchor on plate, with hook., anchor on plate, with hook., cut, Columneta is born, columneta pa parapet, Columneta is born, Columneta is born, Columneta is born, Columneta is born, solid slab with line, lightened with line, metal cover, parapet detail, bracing of beams, masonry parapet, rope, masonry parapet, rope, masonry parapet, rope, masonry parapet, rope, masonry parapet, rope, masonry parapet, rope, pending, flying beam, column, column, column, column, column, flying beam, semi inv., beam, metal beam, cover plate, parapet of, masonry, pending, cut, level, metal joist, metal trough, flying beam, flying beam, cut, cut, cut, anchor on plate, with hook., cut, cut, fourth floor, fourth roof, of masonry, cut

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Masonry
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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