Metropilitana Plane Lima DWG Plan for AutoCAD

It is a plan of metropolitan Lima which serves for surveying; location plans and zoning; They are located all districts of Lima

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

ca, quijano lazo, ca. to. abero, ca. to. catojeras, ca. to. gabbana, ca. to. miroquesada, ca. to. orrego, ca. to. red, ca. alayza and p., ca. Alberto Grieve, ca. carob trees, ca. Alicia Alarcon, ca. alipio ponce, ca. americas, ca. Ancona, ca. Antioquia, ca. anton sanchez, ca. Apostles, ca. aquia, ca. grit, ca. Arezzo, ca. arias, ca. Armellini, ca. arnaez, ca. asin, ca. august b. leguia, ca. avila, ca. ballaguer, ca. barnard, ca. Barranquilla, ca. barrenechea, ca. bartoli, ca. bartolome herrera, ca. barton, ca. belaunde, ca. Bequer, ca. berghusen, ca. blume, ca. bonet, ca. breezes, ca. c. Baca flowers, ca. c. Pablo Chavez, ca. c. poso, ca. c. vallejo, ca. canelos, ca. cantuaries, ca. carbajal, ca. Carlos Basadre, ca. carrillo, ca. cartajena, ca. ch. sutton, ca. Chachapoyas, ca. chacornal, ca. chamberlain, ca. chimpu ocllo, ca. shockhuanca, ca. ciro alegria, ca. clavelos, ca. Cochrane, ca. Conquistadors, ca. mountain ranges, ca. cuba, ca. silva, ca. cusa, ca. dario valdizan, ca. from the Roman, ca. from tagle, ca. of the valley, ca. thin, ca. discards, ca. Dianderas, ca. Diego Ferre, ca. doing lossio, ca. dunnet, ca. and. Garcia and Garcia, ca. and. gongora, ca. and. the rose, ca. and. meiggs, ca. and. mora, ca. and. piny, ca. Echenique, ca. eguren, ca. el carmen, ca. the gaucho, ca. eloy espinoza, ca. emeterio perez, ca. enrique tovar, ca. Ernesto Avila, ca. Stena, ca. F. of the valley, ca. F. Miranda, ca. F. Noguera, ca. F. pinglo alva, ca. F. tola, ca. F. tristan, ca. F. wenzara, ca. f.l.prado, ca. fanning, ca. Ferreyros, ca. ficus, ca. Tristan flora, ca. Florence, ca. flowers, ca. phone, ca. fort, ca. forzini, ca. ash trees, ca. g. neighborhoods, ca. g. connecting rod, ca. g. fuchs, ca. Galvez, ca. garzon, ca. garland, ca. Giordano Bruno, ca. sunflowers, ca. Gonzales, ca. grana, ca. Gregorio VII, ca. guisse, ca. h. from junin, ca. h. unanue, ca. henry arredondo castro, ca. hidalgo, ca. Horacio Arteaga, ca. Huamanpoma, ca. i. alcibar mendiola, ca. i. good, ca. i.a.thomas, ca. ibanez, ca. Imperial, ca. Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, ca. inclan, ca. j. balta, ca. billinghurst, ca. j. ten canseco, ca. j. fermel, ca. j. Galvez, ca. j. mantilla, ca. j. pastor bravo, ca. Jose de la Torre, ca. jose galvez, ca. Juan Hevias, ca. juan xxiii, ca. the cherries, ca. the brand. the passionflower, ca. the rivera, ca. labarthe, ca. the begonias, ca. the dahlias, ca. the oaks, ca. the lilacs, ca. the orchids, ca. lazaretto, ca. legate, ca. linen, ca. the carob trees, ca. Los Angeles, CA. The Canelos, ca. the cardinals, ca. the cedars, ca. the ceibos, ca. the cypresses, ca. the chrysanthemums, ca. the thorns, ca. the eucalyptus, ca. the geraneos, ca. Gladiolus, ca. the heros, ca. the Incas, ca. the hyacinths, ca. the jasmine, ca. the laurels, ca. the lions, ca. the liberators, ca. the lilies, ca. The orange trees, ca. the tuberose, ca. the nisperos, ca. the olive trees, ca. the pacaes, ca. the pines, ca. the tamarinds, ca. the tamaris, ca. luis pardo, ca. luzuriaga, av. to. gamarra, ca. m. nicolini, ca. m. p. from Bellido, ca. m. Perez de Tudela, ca. m. pineda flores, ca. m. quimper, ca. m. suarez p., ca. m. velasco, ca. macara, ca. Machu Picchu, ca. manizales, ca. Manuel Ramirez, ca. manuel villar, ca. Maracaibo, ca. Maria Antonieta, ca. mariategui, ca. marius, ca. Matapalos, ca. Matteo Aguilar, ca. max uhle, ca. maxwell, ca. Mejia, ca. Messina, ca. meyer, ca. Miguel Angel, ca. mitimaes, ca. montenegro, ca. mora, ca. munoz, ca. n. asin, ca. n. meza, ca. n. Mr. of miracles, ca. Naples, ca. navarro del a., ca. nicolas de aranibar, ca. nicolas de pierola, ca. grandson, ca. novara, ca. Numason, ca. orus, ca. p. chavaly, ca. p. labarthe, ca. pacllon, ca. Padua, ca. palm, ca. pavia, ca. payet, ca. Pedro Oliveira, ca. Pedro Remy, ca. perez, ca. perusa, ca. piazzi, ca. picher, ca. pebbles, ca. pinzon, ca. piocros, ca. pocitos, ca. future, ca. meadow, ca. spring, ca. pto Hope, ca. thumb, ca. quezon, ca. quinonez, ca. r. munoz, ca. republic, ca. ribeyro, ca. Ricardo Palm, ca. riva aguero, ca. oaks, ca. Rose bull, ca. rucha, ca. Russell, ca. s. ignacio, ca. s. ramon, ca. salazar bondy, ca. san cristobal, ca. san ignacio, ca. San Juan Bautista, ca. San Lucas, ca. san marcos, ca. San Martin de Porres, ca. san orlando, ca. San Virgilio, ca. Sanchez Carrion, ca. Santiago Martinez, ca. Sarmiento, ca. savona, ca. soto, ca. sta. carla, ca. sta. Carmela, ca. sta. Carolina, ca. sta. clorinda, ca. sta. Lorena, ca. sta. Daisy, ca. sta. Maria, ca. sta. martha, ca. sta. Lime rose, ca. sta. veronica, ca. sta. violet, ca. stiglich, ca. sucre, ca. t. munoz, ca. t. rivers, ca. tagle, ca. tanguis, ca. Tarazona, ca. telleria, ca. teresa gonzales de fanning, ca. Towers, ca. naughty, ca. turin, ca. unanue, ca. Valderrama, ca. valparaiso, ca. van gent, ca. varela, ca. Vargas Machuca, ca. Varnish, ca. vegas, ca. verona, ca. Victor Ilona, ​​ca. Victory, ca. villarreal, ca. Villavicencio, ca. violets, ca. Viceroy Abascal, ca. yungainos, ca. zapatillo, ca. blackberries, ca. zegarra b., ca. r. from

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Plastic, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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